Does windows store a lst of all the typed URL's you entered and if so where do they keep it.I use google chrome with Windows 7 SP1.Also would CCleaner be able to delete them
If you use Internet Explorer, it would be the index.dat files located in HISTORY. CCleaner deals with those!
It's a long-standing bug in ccleaner that it does not properly remove this data from chrome.
then how can I remove it.Should I uninstall chrome and all the data associated with it and then wipe the free space,or should I just use another piece of software.
You can remove it from within Chrome itself via the settings.
You see,I cleared my browsing history in chrome by going on the google chrome history page,clicking "clear all browsing data" and checked everything except "deauthorize content licenses",but I know the history still isnt completly gone(i can probably recover it with recuva),so should I also wipe free space to make sure its completly gone.
I know the history still isnt completly gone(i can probably recover it with recuva)
If Recuva finds it you can simply right click what it found and overwrite from within Recuva, which is way faster than using CCleaner to do a Wipe Free Space.
Ok thanks,but how many times do you think I should overwrite it to make the data irretreivable,and once I do overwrite the data is it impossible for anyone to view what websites I have gone on(I heard windows keeps a hidden list of all websites the computer has gone on,is that true)
On modern hard disks a 1-pass overwrite is enough. Note that 1-pass overwriting has been posted about allot on the forum with us telling people to just use that.
what would you define as a modern hard disk drive
Anything newer than 1996
ok,so most hard drives,thanks