Hi ...
Is it safe to have two version FIREFOX (2.0 & 3.0) in the same machine (XP Pro SP2) ?
Thank n' regards
Hi ...
Is it safe to have two version FIREFOX (2.0 & 3.0) in the same machine (XP Pro SP2) ?
Thank n' regards
Yeah it should be fine, you just cant use them both at the same time.
I cant wait for 3 final now, this latest RC2 version is way better than firefox 2.(except they keep making this browsers default theme uglier with every release).
True, i like the old 1.5 ThemeYeah it should be fine, you just cant use them both at the same time.(except they keep making this browsers default theme uglier with every release)
I actually found a theme I like its called Phoenity Aura. Just a really clean looking theme.
Yeah it should be fine, you just cant use them both at the same time.I cant wait for 3 final now, this latest RC2 version is way better than firefox 2.(except they keep making this browsers default theme uglier with every release).
Yeah FF3 RC 2 is faster than than FF2 but it's not as fast as Opera 9.5 Beta 2.
All my favorite themes are still not ready for FF3 and several of my must have extensions aren't either. I even tried to modify the install rdf on some of them and they just won't work properly with FF3.
I actually found a theme I like its called Phoenity Aura. Just a really clean looking theme.
He's a clean theme.
I'm not touching FF3 till it's final and can support my favorite add-ons.
Yeah FF3 RC 2 is faster than than FF2 but it's not as fast as Opera 9.5 Beta 2.
I cant tell the difference in speed between the two.
However opera for me means= ugly custom widgets(unless you enable windows mode or whatever and the whole thing gets ugly), no spell checking, no extensions, and they still make it hard to customize it(hiding/switching toolbars is BS. How hard can it be to just let me drag buttons where I want them). Oh and the fact that it wont let me open 2 instances of the browser is completely unacceptable, I often want things in different windows and not just different tabs, opera wont let me.
I cant tell the difference in speed between the two.However opera for me means= ugly custom widgets(unless you enable windows mode or whatever and the whole thing gets ugly), no spell checking, no extensions, and they still make it hard to customize it(hiding/switching toolbars is BS. How hard can it be to just let me drag buttons where I want them). Oh and the fact that it wont let me open 2 instances of the browser is completely unacceptable, I often want things in different windows and not just different tabs, opera wont let me.
Opera 9.5 is extremely faster than FF3 for me. No contest.
Ugly Opera? I don't quite understand what you mean when you say "enable windows mode" but Opera has about 1000 skins and there are many many very nice ones. If you can't find one you like I don't know what to tell you because there is plenty to choose from. In fact I like the default Opera skin. It's certainly better than that puke thing Firefox has as a default. I use a skin for Opera that is just a slightly tweaked version of the default.
No spell checking? I have two spell checks installed in Opera and they work great. In fact the Ospell spell checker is the best I have and I have many spell checkers. I have about 10 spell checkers between all my browsers and Ospell is my favorite. Firefox's built in spell check is decent but I rarely if ever use it because when I use FF I use the Google Toolbar Spell Checker it is much superior to Firefox's spell check. I lost count how many times I misspelled a word and the suggested correction for FF spell check is so off base it's laughable.
Np extensions? I say GOOD!! Don't need them in Opera they are built in. Maybe the reason my FF is slow compared to Opera is because I have to load it with extensions to get it any where near Opera in functionality. If I don't add extensions FF is as useless as IE7.
As for customizing Opera you are way off on this. Every button can me moved any were you want. You can't do that with FF. Try moving a button to the Tab Bar in FF. Try moving a button to the Status Bar in FF. You need special extensions to do it. Try moving your tabs to another tool bar. Try moving buttons to the side bar. Cant be done in FF. There really is no part of the Opera GUI you can't customize. And when you got the set up you want you just back up the toolbar ini and transfer all your customizations to another Opera on another machine in seconds. If you don't like Operas customization options than you must hate FF because it is far less customizable than Opera. You can't move tool bars in Opera but guess what you can't in FF either. You can toggle tool bars off or on in both browsers but you can't move them. I am really interested in seeing further explanation on your reasons for saying this about Opera's ability to be customized compared to FF because what you said simply isn't even close to being true.
Firefox has become bloated. Than add your extensions and you can easily get close to 100MB for a browser. Opera is about 11MB on my machine. Than get to RAM usage. FF is a hog and FF3 is not much better sad to say. I never go over 80 MB of RAM in Opera and than when it gets close to 80MB it's a rare thing. I hit that every single time I use Firefox. In fact I consider myself lucky if FF doesn't go over 100MB of RAM. It's very rare that it doesn't go over 100MB.
Don't get me wrong I use Firefox and like it. I will always have it installed. I am getting tired of hearing BS though about it. Some people are just band wagon jumpers and repeat what they hear. I also get tired of hearing criticism of Opera or some other browsers when compared to Firefox especially if the criticism is flat out lies or coming from people that clearly don't know what the other browsers can do because they don't now how to use them in the first place to give them a fair and accurate assessment. They install Opera. Spend 0 minutes reading the help. Spend 5 minutes trying to customize it the same way they do to their other browsers and then say it sucks because it doesn't do things the way their other browsers do. Well it's not their other browsers so why would it do things the same way.
No show here Just discussing browsers. In the end you will use what you like and that is as it should be