Two things

First - should we add a Chrome extensions sticky? I feel as though there are a lot of good extensions out there.

Second - I want other people to try Memory Fox I've had great success with it keeping my usage low, but some people have mentioned crashes. I want other people to test it out before I put it in the suggested Extensions sticky.

Side note- Ironically enough, I was thinking about resetting those two stickies just recently. And then today BAM it happened.


I'm not opposed to a separate sticky for other browsers. Theres also been discussion that maybe we should just have one topic to discuss browser extensions as a whole. I think that could get confusing as people will be trying to install FF extensions on opera and chrome or vice versa. If people are interested in seeing a chrome or opera topic than I'm all for it.

Cant comment on that memory thing. I don't use any software that tries to optimize ram usage in any way as they always seem to cause problems.

I tried Memory Fox, and even though, it seemed a little snappier, I experience a few crashes.

I'll give memory fox a try and get back to you, sounds interesting. :)

isIan can I ask what you are doing when it happened? I have it set to all processes - and I have not had it crash once on me.


Cant comment on that memory thing. I don't use any software that tries to optimize ram usage in any way as they always seem to cause problems.

Ditto!!! Plus that plugin hasn't been approved by Mozilla yet, so it might as well be deemed experimental.

Ditto!!! Plus that plugin hasn't been approved by Mozilla yet, so it might as well be deemed experimental.

This add on was previously called AFOM and it is around at least a year,some reviewers were satisfied,some not

what I wonder is why is this add on not being approved yet.

Possibly not approved due to causing crashes which Firefox wouldn't normally have occur without that plugin/extension - just my guess.

Possibly not approved due to causing crashes which Firefox wouldn't normally have occur without that plugin/extension - just my guess.

It also may imply that if they approve this add on, they also admit at the same time that they have a memory leakage problem that they themselves could not solve yet...

Sorry AJ, I wasn't able to test MemoryFox, since launching it produced an instant crash (for MemoryFox, not for Firefox)

Wow - I've honestly been running it for the past few days with no issues. Hmm - are you guys using some interfering add-on? I'm entirely curious now.

It also may imply that if they approve this add on, they also admit at the same time that they have a memory leakage problem that they themselves could not solve yet...

The amount of memory that Firefox 4 uses is actually beyond absurd. But then again using some Chrome-based browsers in the past I've noticed allot of memory usage too. I guess it's more reason to just upgrade our system RAM and max it out, as programs in general can only get heavier resource-wise on the system.:rolleyes:

It may be because I tried to run it in Nightly, I didn't actually try it with Fx4 because I only have Fx5b1 (the repackage of Aurora into a fake beta), Aurora, and Nightly. :lol: