Two Desktop Icons

I like the new icons, but not as good as the old ones.

They seem to have lost something.

When I look at old + new side by side, the new obviously has greater detail when magnified by the thumbnail view, but it seems that the greater detail somehow causes the icon to appear darker & less CCleanery than normal when just viewed as an icon.

I wouldn't say the icon is bad, per say, but the darkness seems to take away some from the gloss/glass look that makes it look so appealing.

The dark look makes it seem... different somehow...


On a side note, I was able to have TWO CCleaner icons on my desktop. Both have the same name. One old, one new.

This seems to have happened when installing the new CCleaner on top of the old version & letting the program create a new icon on the desktop.

I have included a picture to show what I mean.

Before you view it, I am not sure how this happens because if you were to delete one of the icons, then try to restore from the recycle bin, Windows would complain that there is already an icon named CCleaner.LNK, & are you SURE you want to overwrite it with this one?

Additionally, I am NOT able to just copy both icons to a new folder on the desktop because after copying 1 CCleaner.LNK, it complains "There is already an icon named CCleaner.LNK" in the folder.


What causes this bug, I do not know. Please let me know if you know what does allow it to exist like this.

I have also observed other files such as the same named MP3 or other files before.

Windows supposedly doesn't allow duplicates, but what allows these "exceptions" to the rules?

Picture posted, so view & comment!

post-22717-077503200 1289073439_thumb.jpg

I like the new icons, but not as good as the old ones.

They seem to have lost something.

When I look at old + new side by side, the new obviously has greater detail when magnified by the thumbnail view, but it seems that the greater detail somehow causes the icon to appear darker & less CCleanery than normal when just viewed as an icon.

I wouldn't say the icon is bad, per say, but the darkness seems to take away some from the gloss/glass look that makes it look so appealing.

The dark look makes it seem... different somehow...


On a side note, I was able to have TWO CCleaner icons on my desktop. Both have the same name. One old, one new.

This seems to have happened when installing the new CCleaner on top of the old version & letting the program create a new icon on the desktop.

I have included a picture to show what I mean.

Before you view it, I am not sure how this happens because if you were to delete one of the icons, then try to restore from the recycle bin, Windows would complain that there is already an icon named CCleaner.LNK, & are you SURE you want to overwrite it with this one?

Additionally, I am NOT able to just copy both icons to a new folder on the desktop because after copying 1 CCleaner.LNK, it complains "There is already an icon named CCleaner.LNK" in the folder.


What causes this bug, I do not know. Please let me know if you know what does allow it to exist like this.

I have also observed other files such as the same named MP3 or other files before.

Windows supposedly doesn't allow duplicates, but what allows these "exceptions" to the rules?

Picture posted, so view & comment!

Just delete one of the two icons if you like. Just make sure they both link to the same .exe program launcher. You can simply rename one of the two icons so they won't have the same name and moving them to a folder together won't be a problem. Anyway they are just shortcuts so renaming them won't make them invalid.

Are you saying you want to keep one of the icons???

And one trick of restoring an item from the Recycle Bin to a location different from where it was originally deleted from is to simply, open the Recycle Bin, choose the item/s you want to restore, right click and Cut and then Paste to another location so they won't be restored to a location where they might have existing duplicates.

So if you deleted one of the two CCleaner icons, you can just right click and Cut the one that was sent to the Recycle Bin to another location besides the Desktop where another icon(shortcut) is currently in place. Its as simple as that.

Just delete one of the two icons if you like. Just make sure they both link to the same .exe program launcher. You can simply rename one of the two icons so they won't have the same name and moving them to a folder together won't be a problem. Anyway they are just shortcuts so renaming them won't make them invalid.

I know about that, but it is so weird because normally windows will NOT allow you to have 2 icons of the same name in the same folder.


Are you saying you want to keep one of the icons???

Hmmm, I sort of like both of them, but it is so weird how both were somehow allowed to have the same exact name on the same folder (desktop folder) without windows throwing a fit!


And one trick of restoring an item from the Recycle Bin to a location different from where it was originally deleted from is to simply, open the Recycle Bin, choose the item/s you want to restore, right click and Cut and then Paste to another location so they won't be restored to a location where they might have existing duplicates.

Yeah, that works good, but what I meant is, there are 2 icons of the same exact name now on the desktop. What is weird is if you try to recycle one of them, then bring it back, Windows will say it cannot do this unless it overwrites one because they are the same name. No problem, it can be renamed, but just wondering why Windows allowed it in the first place? I almost had to laugh. I mean, the bugs we find in Windows sometimes! Weird!


So if you deleted one of the two CCleaner icons, you can just right click and Cut the one that was sent to the Recycle Bin to another location besides the Desktop where another icon(shortcut) is currently in place. Its as simple as that.

That is very good, man, but I was just wondering if anyone knew how/why Windows allowed that in the first place. Normally, it won't allow 2 files with the exact same name, so why does it allow 2 shortcuts of the exact same name & location (one from the old CCleaner & 1 from the new). They are exact except for the icons used because you can right click/properties to see their location/name/extensions...

Anyone know? I might be interested in doing some cool stuff with this "bug" if someone knows why/how Windows allows it!

@mrdon, you'll find that one of the icons on the desktop is in the allusers desktop and the other is in your user's desktop

@mrdon, you'll find that one of the icons on the desktop is in the allusers desktop and the other is in your user's desktop

Ok, to add to the confusion here, here is what I did:

I checked the All Users desktop.

There was a CCleaner icon, but I deleted it.

After I deleted it, it deleted it from the other user desktop, leaving me with 1 CCleaner icon.


However, then I clicked undo delete & it "restored" the CCleaner icon to the desktop.

What I mean by restored is, the NEW CCleaner 3 is the only one installed.

But when it restored the icon, it brought it back to the All Users desktop + the current user desktop.

Then, it gets weirder. The icon on the All Users is the one for CCleaner 3. The icon it showed for the second CCleaner shortcut on the other user desktop was "restored" as the 2.36 version icon where it was previously the 3!

So, I then deleted the All Users desktop CCleaner shortcut, & this time, it left the icon on the other desktop.

So now, I have 2 CCleaner shortcuts that are the exact same name, exact same location on the same user desktop.

Guess what? I can right click them both, send to a ZIP file no problem.


So to keep from losing the double desktop shortcuts, I opened a new user & pasted a shortcut from CCleaner to the new user desktop so as not to ruin my test environment. There was only 1 CCleaner shortcut, so when I try to copy from the zip file, perhaps one of them will complain that the file already exists, but the other should copy over fine, right?

But it did not matter which shortcut I selected from the ZIP file. EITHER one of them complained that the icon was already still there! I don't know how this happened, so I figure the best way for you all to see what I am talking about is to just post the ZIP containing 2 identical seeming shortcuts to CCleaner!

Feel free to download the file & see if you can explain this mystery! I am stumped!

(P.S. Note that Windows will not normally let you add 2 of the same file name to a zip either. If you don't believe it, try to copy 1 of the files to 1 folder, then the 2cd to another folder. Create a new Zip file & add the 1st file back. Now try to add the 2cd!

You can't! It "already" exists!

no it did not bring it back to the current user desktop EVERYTHING on the All user desktop is shown of ALL users desktops (thus the name). You installed CCleaner 3 for all users (a new feature in the ccleaner 3 installer) it does not first check to see is there a desktop icon on each invidual user's desktop.

Delete the ccleaner 2 icon. It is left over from your ccleaner 2 install. Period, end of story. ;)

I have split this topic as two desktop icons this is NOT what this thread is about. Please try not to hijack threads with information or issues not related to the Original Poster's intent.

Thanks man.

I normally do try to keep on topic, but, it is so weird!

How does Windows allow 2 icons of exact same name to be in the same .Zip folder?

I just didn't know if anyone had answers to that!

Totally weird!