In Power Option Properties
one of those 2 disconnects my DSL connection (when i am gone from PC for some time duration.. and not using computer)
If i don't want my DSL connection to drop - which one of those 2 options: "Turn off Hard Disks" or "System Stand-by" should i have as "Never" choice?
Or both of those maybe?
The answer is system stand by, but you might as well disable both. LAN activity in Windows (i.e., your DSL) has the potential for spinning your hard drives back up while they are sleeping -- so your hard drive(s) will get spin-down wear and tear from going up and down, up and down. Might as well leave your computer running all the time.
OK.. i ll do that...
Will just keep the Monitor to shut down after certain amnt. of time...
What you said above, though, i guess it would apply to my Windows ME as well, eh? ![;)]()
The answer is system stand by, but you might as well disable both. LAN activity in Windows (i.e., your DSL) has the potential for spinning your hard drives back up while they are sleeping -- so your hard drive(s) will get spin-down wear and tear from going up and down, up and down. Might as well leave your computer running all the time.
When i will go back to High Speed Cable (in pretty near Future) ..after this High Speed DSL, will that LAN activity in Windows (mentioned above) have the potential for spinning my hard drives back up while they are sleeping (while still being connected to internet with that High Speed Cable)?