I've just got it from a friend, and I must say I'm very impressed. Its got the best Registry Cleaner I have seen, allowing me to get rid of Registry First Aid, the best Internet Optimization, allowing me to get rid of PC Pitstop, and a really good Styler, allowing me to get rid of Logon Loader. Its brilliant.
Yeah, but you provide no link.
Also what makes you think that it is the best?
Any software that includes the year in its name sounds like a marketing backed thing. I bet it have a shiny glimmering user interface with fancy buttons?
Oh yeh, someone ought to set a limit on amount of lines/text in the signature...
Yeah, but you provide no link.Also what makes you think that it is the best?
I tested it agains the programs that I had before (which many people agree with me on this forum of thinking they are pretty good), and TuneUp Utilities came up better:
Any software that includes the year in its name sounds like a marketing backed thing. I bet it have a shiny glimmering user interface with fancy buttons?
It costs money indeed, but its worth it. It des have a good interface, you can make your own mind up, no worse/better interface than things like Ad-Aware or Ewido.
Oh yeh, someone ought to set a limit on amount of lines/text in the signature...
Why? It works fine....
I agree.
TuneUp utilities is one of those rare sharewares I would actually pay for.
I would never ever pay for a shareware, it would not even cross my mind todo so.
I think I might donate to something that it is free and open source though...
I would never ever pay for a shareware, it would not even cross my mind todo so.
I think I might donate to something that it is free and open source though...
While I agree with Eldmannen when it comes to his dislike for commercial software, I don't understand what you (Eldmannen) have against a "shiny glimmering user interface with fancy buttons". Is this a bad thing?! Last time I checked, the only senses that a computer affects are sight and hearing, assuming you have speakers. Since your eyes are the primary sense affected by your computer, don't you think it is logical to have your computer's display be stimulating and attractive, while at the same time being intuitive?
Or are you one of those "hard-core" PC users who is under the impression that Command Prompt is God and anything that looks good or is easy to use is bad, because it isn't "advanced" enough? You think faster is better, right? Then why do you prefer an ugly, sloppy, and poorly set-up app? If the average joe is able to use an app, does that suddenly mean it is bad?
When you think about it, most Command Prompt features could be integrated into a program's GUI, which would in fact make it more easily accessible to the user. For example, would you rather tell a program to delete a file by typing in something like *C:\ Program Files\ Eldmannen\ eldmannen.exe /del=crap. Or would you rather simply run that attractive, well set-up app (in this case, eldmannen.exe) and click the checkbox titled "Delete crap"? Obviously, the second method would be easier, faster, and more intuitive for average and advanced users alike. But maybe that is just too easy... Heaven forbid, we make something easy or nice-looking!
*just as a disclamer, this is not a real command line, and it will most likely just give you an error message.
i thinks thats game set match
Actually, I do like the CLI (Command Line Interface), it is very simple, fast, efficient and it can do alot of things with switches/parameters, piping, redirection, etc batch, scripts, etc. Now the CLI on Windows system isnt very good, but the one on Unix-like systems is very powerful.
As for applications with fancy GUI, I dislike them mostly. For some software like audio players it can be okay, but when antivirus software starts to have skins and stuff, that just sucks. Makes the tools become more like toys than tools.
Skins often makes the application take up more space, drain more memory and processing power (resources). I like light-weight stuff with low memory footprint and low CPU usage.
If I have an antivirus software or something, then it will run in the background everyday for allday, so I want it to be light-weight, simple, small and not have a big bloaty GUI. I want it todo one thing, and that thing good; virus scanning.
Before all antivirus used to have good interfaces with a standard Windows-look and everything was good. But now they look like toys, they all have dumb interfaces, I had Norton Antivirus before one time, and it sucked it was so slow, and made the whole computer slow, it drained much resources.
Software with fancy skins and crap are confusing, because they dont look and sometimes not even behave as expected. They supposed to work and feel like the other software on your computer. Think if every software on your computer had its own skins and all looked different?
Well to each his own, but all I know is TuneUp is the best that I have encountered.
eldmannen, why dont you just set your user preferences to "Do not show user's signatures". Thats what i do, makes browsing much easier.
So, anyone else got TuneUp?
I think its missing the following:
A Reg Compacter for the startup of your PC. I use RegCompact for that; http://experimentalscene.com/download.php?view.1
A better Disk Cleaner - I use CCleaner as well (though admitedly TuneUp does find things that CCleaner doesn't).
Better System Information provider. I use Everest ;http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=4181
Apparently Registry Mechanic is better than TuneUp's registry cleane,r though I'm yet to test that.
Everything else! Its all brilliant, just look at the stuff below:
So, anyone else got TuneUp?
No, I'm too poor. But it sounds cool!
Since it's written in Delphi, it gets 1 point from me.
I didnt know you could disable signatures. Signatures can be good though, they can contain good information. But annoying when they contain animated gifs or many lines, I think 3 lines ought to be enough in a signature.
UP, I have tuneup 2006 and i also love it. it works great, well worth the cost, easy to use, and its one of those "i wouldnt do without" paid programs.
some people are just sour.
UP, I have tuneup 2006 and i also love it. it works great, well worth the cost, easy to use, and its one of those "i wouldnt do without" paid programs.
some people are just sour.
Indeed, great program.
i like it too...
it remove all the animations and 'beautoful' GUI which i doesnt need...
plus it do many thing to speed up my computer... all in 1 place...