Trying to work out why.

After reading this I am wondering why do it?

I read an article a month or so ago about Chinese people getting operations on their legs in order to be taller. It was pretty disturbing stuff. Then again, look what Geisha women do to their feet. :blink:

That is kinda creepy... I don't think I'll ever want to do it.

I couldn't read it through. This sort of thing makes my flesh creep.41.gif

The only thing I've even seen similar was parents having their children's legs operated on (i.e.; intentionally breaking bones), effectively making them grow faster to be taller. Why I don't know, however I guess it's the human denial of letting nature run its natural intended course.

I guess people could use it instead of using steroids and hormones. I watched something on it because some kids are really short, and their parents wanted them to be taller. As much as I wouldn't mind being a few inches taller, my genetics have me where I am for a reason, height-wise.


I guess people could use it instead of using steroids and hormones. I watched something on it because some kids are really short, and their parents wanted them to be taller. As much as I wouldn't mind being a few inches taller, my genetics have me where I am for a reason, height-wise.


Very well put.

Same here,Shorty.

Somehow I have always been tall enough for my motorcycle.

Slightly taller heels on the boots help a lot. :P

Let the genes fall where they may.

:) davey

Do you think hanging weights would help on other parts of the body? :lol:

Do you think hanging weights would help on other parts of the body? :lol:

You ....sick, sick...just!!! :lol::P


Do you think hanging weights would help on other parts of the body? :lol:

Too funny! :lol::lol::lol:

Anyone ever seen the movie Gattaca?(I think thats how it spelled)

There is a part where he has to get a couple inches taller so they cut his bones in half and put them in braces so they grow back together longer.

Do you think hanging weights would help on other parts of the body? :lol:
I received a spam once that had a great deal on the weights :D