Trying to purchase CCleaner Pro without success

I'm based in the UK. I'm trying to purchase CCleaner Pro 'Best Value' for Mac at £9.95 (see attached).

However, selecting Buy Now takes me to a shopping cart at £19.95 (see attached).

Is it me or the shopping card?



Hm ... that's not right. Hold off on buying and I will get someone to give the cart a kick. I will follow up with a note when it is fixed. Note that this discounted promotional price lasts for another week - so you won't miss out.

Thanks, Dave.

I initially got a promo email offering 50% discount on Pro, but no mention whether PC or Mac. Following the link took me through to a PC option only.

Not sure if Mac was originally intended to be part of the Summer Sale - but it is now ;-) - confirming that the "buy now" link should take you to the half price summer sale price for Mac.

Thanks, Dave - that's great.