Must recover a text file from an seemingly empty truecrypt volume. Reward of $200 for who ever can help.
3 encrypted files on usb-stick, also on disk other files
Eraser installed to Windows 7
Run Eraser to erase empty data on usb stick (encryptions open?)
Notice 3 encrypted file sizes have diminished
(orginal file sizes about and in columns after: 250mb (10kb), 1.4gb (60mb) and 3.6gb(2.4gb)
Open encrypted folders. They look empty. At some point Truecrypt says “Cannot mount volumes, corrupted or not a volume.”
Dismount all wolumes. Took USB-stick to another PC. PC says “chcscksd”. Common problem I have usually ignored, but now I leave it open.
Mount volumes and still empty.
Run the pop up checekd, mentioned earlier (left open).
Runs for about a minute. Bar goes to full but doesnt finish.
I left it open for about 1,5h then closed the window.
Encrypted files increase in volume. Try to open. One, the largest works.
The smallest has some files but not all. The middle is still empty. And it’s this middle one that is the most important as it contains the text file.
Download and install various programs to try to recover lost data. Fail. Programs include Recuva, KickassUndelete etc.
Discover a hidden folder file.000 that contains files called “FILE8619.CHK” and similar (made by the recovery attempts? IDK)
I don’t know how to see all hidden folders or what to do.
Please help!