Treacherous Computing

Treacherous Computing (by the industry often called Trusted Computing) is a change in computers which will make software companies and goverment control you and your computer and what you are allowed todo with your computer.

What software you are allowed to run, what documents you are allowed to read, etc.

For a short movie about it (3 minutes, 30 seconds) about Trusted Computing, see:


For some information about Treacherous Computing, see:



The industry doesnt talk about it, they try to keep it silent, when mentioned it is presented as something great, the truth is quite the contrary. It is terrible.

Lobby organisations such as RIAA and MPAA has been pushing for this.

Last I heard this was scrapped.

Dont think so.

Windows Vista will have TC (Treacherous Computer) functionality, they call it "Next Generation Secure Computing Base" (NGSCB) ^1

DRM (Digital Restriction Management) in various forms such as PVP (Protected Video Path), etc.


All Intel Pentium proccesors in series Pentium D have TPM (Trusted Platform Module) in them.

All AMD proccesors introduced for the new upcoming AM2 socket (previously known as socket M2) will have it too.

Like all DRM bull$hit, it can be circumvented rather legal or illegal depending upon the country of origin, and most notably not speaking about the circumvention making it public knowledge.

Actually, most DRM are software based hence they are not all too difficult to reverse-engeineer and circumvent. TC however is hardware based and uses signatures and strong cryptography which makes it almost impossible to circumvent.

It will also be illegal to try to circumvent it and the TC specification includes a thing that can report you if attempt to mess with it.

The idiotic DMCA law (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) makes it illegal to circumvent copy protection.

There will always be a way to get around it. I dont care how its done someone will crack it.

Well can always be optimistic about it. But it looks dark and difficult. All machines will have an unique key and signature, cryptographically stored on chip in the hardware. With huge alliance, AMD, Intel, Microsoft, IBM, etc 200+ companies on it.

I dont care how its done someone will crack it.


Ha ha, just use a hammer! Or maybe shove a peanut butter sandwich inbetween the connectors.

Before we know it we'll have to pass through metal detectors just to leave home.

Before we know it we'll have to pass through metal detectors just to leave home.


If you try to sneak out of the house with your DRM protected Black Sabbath CD so that your friend can copy it you won't make it past the heavy metal detector.

Actually maybe not metal dectors. But cellphones will increase, and more people will have them, they will be tighter tied to a person and have GPS.

People will be injected with a RFID chip into their body which can be remotely read without you knowing.

If you try to sneak out of the house with your DRM protected Black Sabbath CD so that your friend can copy it you won't make it past the heavy metal detector.


And it's funny you mention RFID chips, Eldmannen. I just read an article (I believe it was in Popular Mechanics) about some lab designing some injectible RFID chips that are being used by the members of some club. The way you get into the club is by having your chip scanned to prove that you are a member. This is some scary stuff. Hopefully I'll be dead before it goes full throttle, but judging by way companies like MS are pushing DRM, I'm willing to bet they'll want to chip me before too long. :angry:

Yes, and Hollywood and entertainment industry such as RIAA and MPAA are pushing DRM very hard too.

But they are taking it slow to avoid people to freak out. First they implement it in passports, then driver license, then other cards. Then all computers, cellphones, DVD, media players, TV will have DRM / TC.

UK are already tracking cars. And have CCTV in every corner. Face-reckongnization, etc.

Then when people are used to it, it get injected into them when they are babies. It's very very small.

Then there is a control society. Everytime you use a electronical device, it is tied to you. Everytime you go somewhere, it will monitor you.

Everytime you goto the library and rent a book, they will know when and what you read. Same with everytime you goto the cinema. Every place you visit.

Monitoring, control, regulation, censorship.

Your religion, sexual preference? It will be all there.

You like to read or watch movie about anarchism or different type of politics? You'll be added to a list.

In the future there will be self-propagating identity/tracking chips which will be bound to the Y chromosome. Thus, when a father gives birth to a son, the little tyke will literally be a 'chip' off the old block.

sometimes I really want to confront you Rochip, and shake your hand.

sometimes I really want to confront you Rochip, and shake your hand.

So you can try out your joy buzzer you've modified to kill instead of shock?


... But cellphones will increase, and more people will have them, they will be tighter tied to a person and have GPS.

Most new (UK) cellphones (mobiles) now have a functionality (they make it sound like a feature) such as 'Where am I?' - for a few pence, it shows you a map (within a few metres) of where you are standing. To help you find your way home / neaerst phone-box / cash-point etc.

So basically, most of use are already carrying round a GPS system on our phones.

It's been around for a while, and will get more advanced.

Mr B.

This thread went a little off-topic.

But yeah, its scary with cellphones and GPS. And that the companies can track your every move without your explicit consent.

I consider that a huge privacy violation.

I dont own a cellphone, and dont really have any plans to buy one. I heard they can be remotely-activated to listen so they can activate the microphone and listen to what I say or the sound of where I am without my consent. I dont trust cellphone. Maybe if they had open firmware.

I heard they can be remotely-activated to listen so they can activate the microphone and listen to what I say or the sound of where I am without my consent.

Yep - they can.

But, I believe these 'conversations' are not to be allowed in evidence (yet) against any wrong-do'ers.

Also I agree, Eldmannen, I fear for my privacy - I don't really mind being monitored on camera walking down the street (no non-criminal individual should) , but I draw the line at some gov. official listening to my singing in the bath without my consent :D

Mr B.

Don't buy the stupid technology.

Solve all problems. Let's go back to horse & buggies. They can't stop us.
