I recently managed to partially damage my external hard drive. As I have a lot of pictures of sentimental value, I decided to look into recovery. I found Recuva to be quite well praised, so I decided to use it. I have now completed a deep search of the disk (which is reformatted as it wouldn't even show up in "My computer" or Recuva and I couldn't enter it through disk management) and found the files I was looking for. I've checked them off, used the "recovered checked" right-click option, but when I have chosen the wanted recovery destination and clicked on OK, it says that the files will take nearly 4.5 TB of space (shown in the picture below), even though my number crunching shows it's just around the 2GB mark. If someone could tell me if it may be a bug, or I'm just doing something wrong, it would be highly appreciated.