> Total Crash with CCleaner

EDIT Milou64 - 29/07/08 :

It finally appears that CCleaner is NOT involved at ALL, and I apologize for this confusion...

CLEANUP! is the only responsible, and still goes crashing PCs since 2006 in a way that defies the worst virus ever...

Please read this if you want to know more about this CCleaner "like"...


then the Cleanup! forum, with a very special attention to the author's "response" about such a mess...



Excuse me for my english, I will try to make myself as clear as possible.

Two days ago, a friend of mine told me about CCleaner, then I installed the software on my PC.

I ran it yesterday for the first time. I then asked CCleaner to delete :

- temporary internet files

- the "prefetch" directory

- *.tmp files and *.bak files

I asked NONE of the "advanced" options or any other "dangerous" option.

I just wanted to test the software to clean ordinary "crap files" I ordinary clean manually.

CCleaner did its job and erased about 100Mo, then it displayed the log screen ?

I got very surprised that it asked me to log because I never "log" of any kind using Windows XP !

I thought all of this was "normal" procedure, then I logged-on using the only account available on the log screen.

I thought I then will go back to the Windows desktop, but since that moment, I cannot boot my PC.

When I try to boot, everything loads until the Windows Welcome Screen appears, and then the system halts completely.

I tried to boot using any of the safe modes available. I tried them all but the system always freezes.

I can't even read the content of C: using DOS mode just because it also freezes !

It stops loading Windows after the Welcome Screen, and in the best case, it goes a little further on, when Windows tries to display the desktop.

In that case, I get a black screen with the arrow cursor in the middle of it, and then the loading process stops.

I got a black screen with an arrow cursor I can move across the screen, then nothing...

I've been trying boot sequences for hours with no results at all. In a word, my PC is completely crashed...

I will buy a new hard drive this afternoon then install a Windows XP on it.

I will then be able to read my former hard drive to try to recover from this nightmare, but I really don't know HOW TO RECOVER FROM THE SITUATION BEFORE I LAUNCHED CCleaner ?

Is there a procedure to restore all the files CCleaner deleted, so that I can reboot with my former hard drive and get everything back as it was before I use that software ?

Thank you very much in advance for any help of any kind.

Welcome Milou64

What operating system Updates are you running and what type of CPU plus how much RAM does the system have?

Please see:

How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP


Why do I get a black screen with an "Operating system not found" message at startup?



Excuse me for my english, I will try to make myself as clear as possible.

Two days ago, a friend of mine told me about CCleaner, then I installed the software on my PC.

I ran it yesterday for the first time. I then asked CCleaner to delete :

- temporary internet files

- the "prefetch" directory

- *.tmp files and *.bak files

I asked NONE of the "advanced" options or any other "dangerous" option.

I just wanted to test the software to clean ordinary "crap files" I ordinary clean manually.

CCleaner did its job and erased about 100Mo, then it displayed the log screen ?

I got very surprised that it asked me to log because I never "log" of any kind using Windows XP !

I thought all of this was "normal" procedure, then I logged-on using the only account available on the log screen.

I thought I then will go back to the Windows desktop, but since that moment, I cannot boot my PC.

When I try to boot, everything loads until the Windows Welcome Screen appears, and then the system halts completely.

I tried to boot using any of the safe modes available. I tried them all but the system always freezes.

I can't even read the content of C: using DOS mode just because it also freezes !

It stops loading Windows after the Welcome Screen, and in the best case, it goes a little further on, when Windows tries to display the desktop.

In that case, I get a black screen with the arrow cursor in the middle of it, and then the loading process stops.

I got a black screen with an arrow cursor I can move across the screen, then nothing...

I've been trying boot sequences for hours with no results at all. In a word, my PC is completely crashed...

I will buy a new hard drive this afternoon then install a Windows XP on it.

I will then be able to read my former hard drive to try to recover from this nightmare, but I really don't know HOW TO RECOVER FROM THE SITUATION BEFORE I LAUNCHED CCleaner ?

Is there a procedure to restore all the files CCleaner deleted, so that I can reboot with my former hard drive and get everything back as it was before I use that software ?

Thank you very much in advance for any help of any kind.

Hello Milou64,

Welcome to the forum :D

WE will try to help you as much as possible.

I do think that from what you describe that you were not using CCleaner at all but another Cleaner program.

The options that you describe do not exist in CCleaner.

There are other "cleaner" programs that do cause disastrous problems.

You may also have picked up a "Rogue" program from an innocent looking site but these sites are very dangerous .

The answers to the following questions will help us to help you.

From what website did you download this Cleaning program?

In this log-on process were you asked to provide any personal data ?

OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?

Browsers and ver.?

Security software and ver?

Other data you think might be relevant?

What did you do and then what happened?

Best wishes,

:) davey

P.S. The steps that you are taking sound positive but you need advice from Members of our Spyware Hell and Help forum.


Do this before you do anything . I would not install another C: drive until I got their advice or you may end up with another infected drive.

I would copy your post the other Spyware Hell and Help forum as a new topic.

I also would not leave your PC connected to the Internet when you think it is "frozen". Some evil malware may be collecting information from your PC at that time.

Welcome Milou64

What operating system Updates are you running and what type of CPU plus how much RAM does the system have?

Hello YoKenny,

First of all, thank you for your help !

My operating system is a Windows XP SP2 with 2G0 Ram memory.

Updates are made frequently using Microsoft update.

My CPU is an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+

No overclocking, no "customisation", ram accelarators or things like that : every thing is very "basic" on my PC.

Please see:

How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP


Before I try the Windows Recovery Console, I would like to try to restore the files that where deleted by CCleaner, with CCleaner if possible, but I don't know if it is possible, and how ?

Why do I get a black screen with an "Operating system not found" message at startup?


In my case, the DOS boot sequence is OK. My hard drive is recognised as a bootable disk and the boot sequence starts very normally until Windows starts to load.

My "black screen" with the arrow cursor is nothing but the Windows desktop trying to load, and that's where Windows stops loading.

I then got a black screen with the arrow cursor, then nothing...

At this point, I can't do anything more that moving the cursor across the screen.

My keyboard also freezes (no lights for caps locks, no CtrlAltSup to reboot)

I've been watching the Internet to see if someone ever had such a problem using CCleaner, and found a case with exactly the same symptoms. No solutions were reported to the problem...

I'm trying to find back this other case. I will link it here as soon as I retrieve it.

Thanks again for your help.

Hello Milou64,

Welcome to the forum :D

WE will try to help you as much as possible.

I do think that from what you describe that you were not using CCleaner at all but another Cleaner program.

The options that you describe do not exist in CCleaner.

There are other "cleaner" programs that do cause disastrous problems.

You may also have picked up a "Rogue" program from an innocent looking site but these sites are very dangerous .

Hello Davey,

I downloaded CCleaner direct from here.


I did install CCleaner in my PC, and never install any other program of that kind before, just because I used to delete crap files manuallly.

I used CCleaner once yesterday, for less than 4 minutes, and here's the result.

No "rogue program from an innocent looking site", but CCleaner.

The answers to the following questions will help us to help you.

From what website did you download this Cleaning program?

01net.com is one of the MAJOR site in France dealing with new technologies, internet and computers.


In this log-on process were you asked to provide any personal data ?


OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?

Browsers and ver.?

Security software and ver?

Windows XP SP2, Firefox, AMD Athlon 3800+ Dual core / 2 Go Ram.


Other data you think might be relevant?

The computer CCleaner crashed in less than 4 minutes is my main working tool, and I'm really worried.

There are no games, gizmos, or "hazardous" software installed on it.

What did you do and then what happened?

Best wishes,

:) davey

I had finished working on a video montage.

Then I decided to clean up my hard disks before I quit my office.

Thank you for your help.

Hello Davey,

I downloaded CCleaner direct from here.


I did install CCleaner in my PC, and never install any other program of that kind before, just because I used to delete crap files manuallly.

I used CCleaner once yesterday, for less than 4 minutes, and here's the result.

No "rogue program from an innocent looking site", but CCleaner.

01net.com is one of the MAJOR site in France dealing with new technologies, internet and computers.

<a href="http://www.01net.com/telecharger/windows/U...s/img32599.html" target="_blank">http://www.01net.com/telecharger/windows/U...s/img32599.html</a>


Windows XP SP2, Firefox, AMD Athlon 3800+ Dual core / 2 Go Ram.


The computer CCleaner crashed in less than 4 minutes is my main working tool, and I'm really worried.

There are no games, gizmos, or "hazardous" software installed on it.

I had finished working on a video montage.

Then I decided to clean up my hard disks before I quit my office.

Thank you for your help.

Thanks for the information.

Can you explain this log-on or log-in process that you mentioned. I don't understand what that is about ?

Are you using Generic descriptions of what Cleaning you requested? The are no actual options like that in CCleaner.

:) davey

P.S. Please download CCleaner from this webpage. This is one of the two "official" websites.

See if this is what you ran. http://www.CCleaner.com/download/downloading

This will show what CCleaner looks like and the options etc.


CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

Windows XP SP2, Firefox, AMD Athlon 3800+ Dual core / 2 Go Ram.
There was a problem reported with AMD processors ages ago but I can't find the reference as Search has to have more than 3 characters to search with.

Maybe hazelnut will remember the problem as I believe she posted about it.


01net.com is one of the MAJOR site in France dealing with new technologies, internet and computers.
Please see:


Your system may be infected with malware so you should download and run MBAM then update is reference files then run a quick scan:


There was a problem reported with AMD processors ages ago but I can't find the reference as Search has to have more than 3 characters to search with.

Maybe hazelnut will remember the problem as I believe she posted about it.

Edit: Please see:


Your system may be infected with malware so you should download and run MBAM then update is reference files then run a quick scan:


First of all, I would like to apologize because I stupidely mistook CCleaner with... CLEANUP!

I downloaded and installed Cleanup! a few month ago but never used it until last week...

I also downloaded CCleaner a few hours before I crashed my PC, but ran CleanUp! first thinking it was CCleaner...

In a word, I take back all that I said about CCleaner, just because CCleaner has nothing to do with my problem.

I also thank those who tried to help that quickly.

To go back to the real source of my problem, many CleanUp! users have encountered the SAME problem after using that crap. They all get the same black screen with the arrow cursor in the middle of it, then nothing at all.

They also report a complete system crash with no safe mode at all to try to recover from such a mess...

A perfect total crash that has no other solution but reinstall a brand new Windows, softwares and so on.

In case you would be interested, please read the Cleanup! forum about that problem, then read the "answer" from the author...

You will then understand that I won't expect much from him, just because many others are still waiting something like a response to that f****** problem since 2006...


This VERY BAD EXPERIENCE tells me that I will use CCleaner in my new Windows XP. It also tells me that I will be more carefull with the softwares I download...

Thank you for taking the trouble to post back and tell use what was responsible for your terrible problems, and for the warning about Cleanup! software.

We wish you the best of luck in getting your computer running properly again.

Please let us know how you get on :)

Here's more about CleanUp!

Source : http://majorgeeks.com/CleanUp_d4895.html

Known issues/bugs:

Under some - not all - configurations of Windows XP enabling the option "Scan local drives for temporary files" can result in some required system files being deleted. This has been identified as a problem for Microsoft Office 2003 users. [solution: disable this option.]

In Outlook Express (and possibly Outlook too), any folders containing a "." in the name get deleted when the "Delete Newsgroup Cache" option is enabled.

While the executable may appear to run under Windows XP Professional 64 bit edition, some initial tests suggest a problem deleting needed files. Therefore do not attempt to run CleanUp! 4.0 under 64 bit Windows XP Professional. All 32 bit versions of Windows XP work fine.

The list of cookies to keep is case-sensitive which may lead to some cookies being deleted when you'd expect them to be preserved. The solution for now is to pay careful attention to the case of the cookies. The next version of CleanUp! will provide a fix for this.

Other very bad experiences with that crap called Cleanup!

Source : http://www.commentcamarche.net/forum/affic...l-apres-cleanup


j'ai telecharg? ? partir de votre site et sur vos conseils avis?s cleanup. qui s'est install? et qui a nettoy? , tellement bien d'ailleurs que je n'ai jamais pu redemarer de quelque fa?on qui soit l'ordinateur et j'ai ?t? oblig? de r?initialiser totalement avec pertes de toutes les donn?es ?videment. question : que s'est il pass? , qui peut me donner une raison ? se bug total; merci

Configuration: Windows XP

Internet Explorer 6.0

Here's a translation from french :


I downloaded CleanUp from your website, according to your recomendations. It installed properly and cleaned that much that I never could restart my PC by any available means. I had to install Windows again with a complete loss of my personnal datas.

Question : What happened ? Can anyone give me a reason to such a total bug ?
