TOR Browser

Anybody tried TOR Browser lately?

Just recently started trying it here, after long period of not using it.

It seems much faster than it was before.

Still a bit slow compared to normal browsing, but faster.

Had a few issues getting it to start in a sandbox, but after it does start it seems to click along very nicely.

Edit. TOR is here:

Hello login123 - I've been using Tor for Windows for a good 8-9 months now, and I have noticed a difference starting with the 3.5.x series of releases (Current release is 3.6.1). There probably have been changes to the software itself that contribute to this, but that's probably not the sole reason. I believe that in light of the recent NSA revelations, more and more people are volunteering to run relays within the Tor network, and that more than anything else would speed up the flow of internet traffic through the network.

Quite right, I think.

Of course, there is really No Such Agency, but folks are much more careful than they used to be.

Probably the nodes work faster too, I guess, faster hardware, faster connections.

Just speculation.

Yes, seems quite a lot faster. I didn't use the latest TBB version for a while as it's delivered as an .exe, when it is nothing of the sort.

Talking of Sandboxie and TOR, have you noticed that Windows still creates prefetch entries for TOR, or whatever you run under Sandboxie, in the real prefetch folder? Sort of gives the game away.

I haven't tried it in a while, it used to be unbelievably slow though, so any improvement would be a positive really

Yes, seems quite a lot faster. I didn't use the latest TBB version for a while as it's delivered as an .exe, when it is nothing of the sort.

Talking of Sandboxie and TOR, have you noticed that Windows still creates prefetch entries for TOR, or whatever you run under Sandboxie, in the real prefetch folder? Sort of gives the game away.

Didn't know that. Thanks. Will check it out later. Don't have the latest version, they change it a lot.

Winapp, it is a lot faster than I remember it, even though my connection is slower nowadays.

Could be an influx of nodes due to more people becoming security minded.

Remember to shut off javascript in TOR when you first open it!

I'm on here now using TOR Win xp.

It is slow. Not as slow as it was, but slow.

The time to get it started in sandboxie was maybe 1 minute, maybe a bit more.

Now that it is running, the actual page loading is a tiny bit slower than normal. Not much.

There is a feature now that I don’t remember from before. You can click on the little onion and select “New Identity” from the dropdown list. That gives you a different set of relays, and your IP address changes. Sometimes that gives you a faster relay.

Going now to check the prefetch folder.

Why shut off javascript?

What I did was rename the TOR launcher exe to "browser.exe" and started it sandboxed.

Just now checking the prefetch folder. Do not find a .pf for Firefox, TOR, or the TOR installer file. There is also no .pf file for “browser.exe”. There are .pfs for the sandboxie processes.

Maybe I am doing something wrong, just not finding the .pfs.

Would be a lousy spook, I suppose.


Something wrong with this version of TOR. It keeps signing me out from here, runs slow & klunky.

Earlier glowing recommendation was for version 3.6.0. This is 3.6.1.

Maybe the problem is firefox, maybe womething else, but this version of TOR is not very working well.

Something wrong with this version of TOR. It keeps signing me out from here, runs slow & klunky. Earlier glowing recommendation was for version 3.6.0. This is 3.6.1. Maybe the problem is firefox, maybe womething else, but this version of TOR is not very working well.
The problem lies here

Win xp.

I'm on here now using TOR Win xp.

It is slow. Not as slow as it was, but slow.

The time to get it started in sandboxie was maybe 1 minute, maybe a bit more.

Now that it is running, the actual page loading is a tiny bit slower than normal. Not much.

There is a feature now that I don't remember from before. You can click on the little onion and select "New Identity" from the dropdown list. That gives you a different set of relays, and your IP address changes. Sometimes that gives you a faster relay.

Going now to check the prefetch folder.

Why shut off javascript?

tl;dr you can be tracked over TOR if infected with a malicious javascript

Nergal, windows xp is like alligators and cockroaches.

It will be here when all else is extinct. :P

Nergal, windows xp is like alligators and cockroaches.

It will be here when all else is extinct. :P

Your analogy defeats itself if food source (insects/fish/mammals/software-compatibility) dries up the creature goes extinct

A quick startup of TOR under SB shows tor.exe, firefox.exe and start tor browser.exe in Win prefetch folder. The previous version of TOR also left some Vidalia stuff, so there are fewer entries now.

(Win 8, SB 3.76, TOR 3.6.1)

Your analogy defeats itself if food source (insects/fish/mammals/software-compatibility) dries up the creature goes extinct

300 million years is a pretty good run, tho.

300 million years is a pretty good run, tho.

Pretty sure XP isn't that old ;). cockroaches and alligators still have food sources, thus not extinct, whilst XP compatible software is disappearing at a faster and faster rate, don't think it has the same chance as they do, sorry. If it's any consolation neither do humans.

Pretty sure XP isn't that old ;)

If we adjust for software age (which I calculate to be approx 12x normal aging, not unlike a more quickly aging dog), I estimate Windows XP to be almost 150 years old! :o

Hummph. And another thing . . . errrr, aahhh, well, if I can remember it, I'll post a withering reply.