Tools: I don't want to lose my programmes!

Hiya. I am totally confused by the Tools menu. I have read other members questions and still don't feel comfortable with it. I have just downloaded ccleaner so this is all completely new.

How I see it: The Tools menu under "Uninstall" has a list headed "Programs to Remove". And it lists every program that I use regularly. I don't want to remove ANY of them from the computer. I started to go through and highlight each one, then clicked "Delete" to the right. I have been assuming that this deletes the programme from the "Remove" list, therefore saving it from being uninstalled. Is this so? If I hadn't gone into it before running ccleaner, would I have lost everything? Why would this be the way the program is set up?

Also, I have read on some of the answers here that the tools section is similar to the Add/Remove function in Windows, and my impression now is that if I "delete" a progamme from the list, then I will no longer be able to remove it, in the future, using Add/Remove if I so choose in the future.

Would someone out there PLEASE be kind enough to explain each option here, in simple terms that an easily confused newbie could understand?

I would be very grateful.


How I see it: The Tools menu under "Uninstall" has a list headed "Programs to Remove". And it lists every program that I use regularly. I don't want to remove ANY of them from the computer. I started to go through and highlight each one, then clicked "Delete" to the right. I have been assuming that this deletes the programme from the "Remove" list, therefore saving it from being uninstalled. Is this so? If I hadn't gone into it before running ccleaner, would I have lost everything? Why would this be the way the program is set up?
That function is there for you to remove programs as well. There are several options. There is an option to call up the programs "uninstaller" to remove the program and the other is to delete the program from the list of installed program (Program is not deleted, only it's listing). In deleting the program from the list. You CAN'T use the add/remove programs to eliminated it from you system in the future if you need too. But, you can go to the programs directory and find the uninstaller there. In a sense you are manually uninstalling. I hope this makes sense to you. If not we can clarify it further.

Look here for further explanations of ccleaners functions.