Tired of Licence Reminder- Leave me alone

CCleaner Licence Thingy!, is so annoying when your use a workstation and the taskbar Auto Hides for CAD and the reminder is locked into the bottom corner telling

me that my licence is expired , go to Options>About>Licence>Information, or another dialogue box , do I want to upgrade?, aargh!!!, No I dont ! I just want to be left alone, I have professional Edition with 6 months to run ,it is the same on 2 of the 3 machines.

Becoming so annoying I want to delete it . Any guidance would be really appreciated

Many thanks

RTFM. Instead of flying off the handle, see if you can resolve it yourself. The solution was really obvious. Took me less time to find ifthe option existed that it took to read your rant. ?

Right-click CCleaner in system tray and select "options," then click on "Updates" and uncheck "Send notifications when there is a new version of CCleaner."

On 20/01/2022 at 23:34, PeterG55 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		the reminder is locked into the bottom corner telling me that my licence is expired [...] I have professional Edition with 6 months to run

You would not be getting a notification that your licence has expired if you have a licence with 6 months left to run. If that is indeed the message that you are seeing, then that would seem to suggest that something else is going on here.

If you go to Options > About > License Information you will be able to see the licence key and expiry date of the licence key being used on each machine. I would speculate that the two machines that are reporting themselves as using an expired licence are indeed using an older licence of yours, and that the third machine has your up-to-date licence information on it. For example, if your licence expired back in December then it might look something like this:


If you have lost track of what licences you own and which one(s) are still current, you can check this at CCleaner.com - License Lookup