Time For Deep Scan?

Hey. I was wondering how long it would take to deep scan an external 500 GB hard drive via USB.

It's been on for 10 minutes and isn't even 1% done. Thank you!

Well, 10 mins for 1% gives 1000 mins by my calculation, which is 16 hrs 40 mins. as it's now 11 hrs after your post the scan should be complete at around 4 pm UK time.

It takes a long time to read 500 gb. That's 500 thousand million bytes. At 16 hrs that's still over 500 mb to read and process a minute. Deep scan is truly a giant step.

If it hasn't finished by now, take a well deserved weekend break away ;)

Actually, it also depends on your machine spec - I used to have an 'older' machine with only a 180Gig internal drive and it took (on average) 15 hours to complete (not even sure if that was a deep scan or not). That said, I have a modern machine with a 320Gig external drive - still takes the guts of 8 hours to complete (that said I normally set it scanning last thing at night and it 'usually' has completed by the time I head out to work, so it may be quicker)

I have a different problem. During the deep scan the program counts hundreds files, but at the end (hour later) dont appear files, junt an error message at the same local were the "seaching" appear.

-sorry bout my poor english