Tim D

On March 25 I downloaded and installed version 5.65 of the free version of CCleaner. I have been using CCleaner for several years. After the download CCleaner would not open. Today (3/29)I deinstalled CCleaner and reinstalled 5.65 with the same result - it will not open. I am on Windows 10. Thanks and smiles.

What anti virus are you using?

Trend Micro Maximum Security. I have version 16.0 which I believe is the latest.

The latest version (11th March) is 16.0.1302.

See here: https://esupport.trendmicro.com/en-us/home/pages/technical-support/maximum-security/1120881.aspx?cm_mmc=MaximumSecurityPage-_-SupportNews-_-TiHE-_-2019

Others have reported that if they update from this page, (rather than updating from within TM), then TM stops blocking CCleaner.


Nukecad, Thanks. I'll take a look at both sites. . I'll let you know if I have success. If I can get something to work then I can impress my wife as well.Smiles.

nukecad. Just checked and I do have version 16.0.1302 so now on to the second link. Smiles. Tim D

nukecad. I just downloaded from the page you suggested . CCleaner still would not open.

Try whitelisting as shown here
