thumbs.db in picture folders

I am new to CCleaner and found it is so great! esp when I'm headache to clean those silly rubbish.

Appreciated if CCleaner can clean 'thumbs.db' created in every picture folder.

I believe this file is created by Windows built-in Picture Viewer but you cannot see it even you've checked all unhidding system-protected files options in Windows Explorer, or using 'dir /ah /ar /as' in command prompt. I can see it only when the whole picture folder is copied to CD or any external storage device.

It is annonying because it appears in EVERY folder I've used Windows Picture Viewer to open.

Btw, here is another unrelated question someone may have asked. How to delete custom files with wildcard filenames? E.g, to remove *.gid under the whole C:\ recursively; or to remove *.tmp only in D:\abc.

Looking for any expert response, thanks!



Looking for any expert response, thanks!



To get rid of thumbs.db FOREVER...

Open any folder.

Click Tools>Folder Options

Select "View" tab

Find and activate "Do not cache thumbnails"

Click OK

Now press Start>Search>files & Folders (or just press Windows-Key + F)

Choose All files & Folders

Set "Look in" to "Local Hard Drives"

Expand "More advanced options"

Select first 3 options (search systems folders/hidden files/subfolders)

Let the search run, then press CTRL+A to select those files, then press DEL to delete them all!

Recursive subfolder searching is not supported, it would make CCleaner very slow to run. You can set up custom folders though if there is a specific folder you need to empty.

Hope this helps!


Recursive subfolder searching is not supported, it would make CCleaner very slow to run.

Actually recurse does work as in this example which I use for RegCompact.NET:


Although as you've said it would slow down CC, especially if it were told to search all of C:\ and not a particular folder.

Also a muck quicker way of killing all thumbs.db files anywhere on any drive would be via a batch file (.bat).

Copy what's listed in the code below into an empty Notepad window, then save as (including the quotes): "remove_thumbs_db.bat"

attrib /s -r -h -s "c:\thumbs.db"del /s "c:\thumbs.db"

To remove thumbs.db from other hard disks, just replace c:\ with that drive letter, or input other drives you wish to clean into the batch file.

How to delete custom files with wildcard filenames? E.g, to remove *.gid under the whole C:\ recursively; or to remove *.tmp only in D:\abc.

EasyCleaner, it can also be set to delete those thumbs.db files.

Thanks for you both!