However, thumbnail caching is a good thing. As it provides you with faster thumbnail previews -- especially in large folders.
The idea of clearing out our thumbs.db cache is to remove cache files from old photo's you don't even have anymore / folders you haven't opened for a long time.
In Vista, this file is not present, but when downloading walls, skins, whatever that is zipped and made on a XP machine, there always is that damn thumbs.db file...
Actually in Vista the same is (apparently) present, though seemingly invisible.
Turn it off with 'Organize | Folder and Search Options | View tab' and check the 'Always show icons, never thumbnails' - ask me no more; I'm using Vista under duress
I'd like to "fifth" that - removing unwanted thumbs.db files would be a great additional feature - especially as it can free up a huge amount of disk space!
I also agree this should be part of ccleaner. It dosen't matter that there is another way to do it there is another way to clean out your cookies too but to be a central program to clean everything i think ccleaner needs to have this feature maybe not checked as a default option but the option should be there.
In Vista, this file is not present, but when downloading walls, skins, whatever that is zipped and made on a XP machine, there always is that damn thumbs.db file...
Rest assured Vista/Windows 7 *do* cache thumbnails. The thumbnails cache has been centralized. See here: