Those Monitoring things

Have Piriform released OR will they release a version that lets users NOT install the System Monitoring and Active Monitoring during the update(s) or installs?

I won't even attempt to update again if that mess is still there!

It is idiotic to make users that don't want it have to find and disable the damned thing(s).

If it's like all the other settings when you update it should respect your previous settings.

except the 2 new monitoring settings are (or were in the initial flawed release) set to ON by default.

just a suggestion

maybe dev can add option to reset the setting back to default for the installer (disable by default)

plus option to reset the cleaning rule (disable by default)

except the 2 new monitoring settings are (or were in the initial flawed release) set to ON by default.

Yes, monitoring starts unbidden.

Doesn't bother me, I just turn it off. Not difficult, but not obvious how to do it, either.

Just installed 4.18.4844 afresh.

My old installation (CCleanerFree 4.00.4064) had all the cleaning options off.

Declined the google offer.

Unticked the boxes for add to start menu, intelligent cookie scan, auto update.

After installation, allowed "Run CCleaner" and "View Release notes".

1. View release notes opened up IE to get the release notes

2. CCleaner started the monitoring function, and started the process unsecapp.exe

3. Turned off the monitor function using the process described elsewhere, it and unsecapp.exe stopped.

Just a thought: Maybe item #1. above is what sometimes causes folks to think CCleaner phones home?

just a suggestion

maybe dev can add option to reset the setting back to default for the installer (disable by default)

plus option to reset the cleaning rule (disable by default)


Not to belabor the obvious, but what I think about is something like this:

- CCleaner (without monitoring) is set to clean the sandbox or sandboxes, maybe some other custom locations

- No harm is done since it doesn't clean until I say to.

- but now without warning monitoring starts, finds more than allowed, and out goes all the stuff in those custom locations.

- Oh dear. :mellow:

Full disclosure, I haven't tested that scenario, so there may be fail safe procedures i don't know about.

In any case, it would only happen once, but could be very time consuming.

... to keep near the top

... to keep near the top

They're aware of it annoying people therefore bumping the topic is of no use!

An admin has stated the following to me - should make many people really happy:

if previous version of CCleaner is already installed with monitoring disabled and an update is installed it will honor the previous settings.