This ones for the Burglars out there

I love this. :)

Just imagine the satisfaction you would get finding someone creeping round your house, and having this in your hand.

Searching around in the dark can be scary. You never know what's going to jump out at you, and when the vampire werewolves finally show themselves, what are you going to do ? hit them with your flashlight? If you're flashlight's a Stun Gun Mini Flashlight, that's probably not a bad idea, since it'll zap any would-be assailants with 200,000 volts. More portable than a tank and less obvious than a PHaSR rifle, the 6-inch-long SGMF comes with its own charger, which juices up the built-in nickel-cadmium batteries to full shock value in about 4 hours. An extra bulb is included ? good to have, since one would think you'd probably use the flashlight's illumination abilities more than its death-dealing ones. All depends on your lifestyle, of course. ? Peter Pachal

Spy Gadgets, via The Red Ferret Journal

Picture here:


It would be even cooler if there was an implant that could go into a finger or somewhere in the hand. But that may give too good of an excuse to stun some assclown that pisses you off, although I already know some people I'd like to zap. :lol:

It would be even cooler if there was an implant that could go into a finger or somewhere in the hand.


Forgive me for saying this, but if it was available as an implant, just think of the possibilities. :rolleyes:

200,000 volts :o would make you very popular. :wub:

It`s hard to type :lol: when you can`t :D stop chuckling, but I have an :lol: image in my mind :D of a trail of smoking bedrooms that completely baffle the police. :wacko:

You would have to go on the run. :ph34r:


Moderators, feel free to delete. Couldn`t resist. Blame Andavari for putting the Implant in my head.

LOL! :lol:

Good to see I'm not the only one with a "warped" (seems normal to me) sense of humour.