This is the most robust Reg cleaner ever!

I use/try registry cleaners all of the time. After I uninstall a program I'll find the key with RegCleaner 4.3 by Jouni Vuorio and remove it. Then I'll search the program name in RegSeeker 1.45 (Hover Inc.) and it will often find files left that I'll then remove. I also use the commercial program Registry Mechanic. I've become so confident with these programs that I rarely back up any more.

Despite routinely using these programs, RegScubVista found over 1300 problems and I safely removed all but one. I have a Dell, Pentium 4 and the operating system is Windows XP Home. Both Windows and ZoneAlarm Pro warned me about removing the following file: HKEY_CLASSES_Root\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU I just put it in the Exclusions folder. My computer is running great, no problems. I have read enough about reg cleaners to know they can ruin your pc but thought I'd share this option with you. Good Luck!

Some registry cleaners cause trouble, I experienced that when I used one on my brothers computer.

CCleaner never caused me any trouble.

"Most people don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?"

-- Thomas Hesse, president of Sony BMG's global digital business division

Wow this registery cleaner is amazing!!

It found 3,540 problems and i use the same other cleaners you do. My computer has never run more smoothly, no more hang ups, and seems to me my start up is even faster.

Good find!!

It is a beta...

if its beta and it touches the registry then its an automatic no download for me and I recommend the same to everyone.

I use/try registry cleaners all of the time. After I uninstall a program I'll find the key with RegCleaner 4.3 by Jouni Vuorio and remove it. Then I'll search the program name in RegSeeker 1.45 (Hover Inc.) and it will often find files left that I'll then remove. I also use the commercial program Registry Mechanic. I've become so confident with these programs that I rarely back up any more.


I have also extensively used RegCleaner 4.3 and Registry Mechanic, both of which work fairly well. One reg cleaner that I feel I should warn everyone about is RegSupreme Pro. I was using version 1.1 on my computer, and initially I loved it, because it found issues that no other reg scrubber would find. But one day, I ran it, and it took far longer to scan than it normally would. Then it stopped responding, so of course I ended the process. Windows no longer recognized my icons; the icons themselves were gone, the .lnk extension which is normally hidden was visible, and when I tried to run them, Windows didn't know what to open them with.

Luckily, I was able to use System Restore to fix everything, and of course, I promptly removed RegSupreme Pro. Now the only registry cleaner I use is CCleaner. It gets rid of a fair amount of garbage without compromising my system (not to mention it's free).

And I totally agree with rridgely; never, ever use a beta registry editor unless you aren't too worried about the state of your computer. That is just asking for trouble. I get nervous enough using a thoroughly tested registry cleaner; why the heck would I want one that is unstable?!

The only three programs with built-in registry cleaners that I ever intend to use from now and into the future are CCleaner, EasyCleaner w/current Blacklist, and RegSeeker w/an exlude.ini file a mile long.

You guys know there are ways to back up your registery right?


But one day, I ran it, and it took far longer to scan than it normally would. Then it stopped responding, so of course I ended the process.


Obviously I can't back up the change if the program stops responding, now can I? :P

And if you mean back up the entire registry before running a registry editing program, well, that kind of defeats the purpose. I mean, the purpose of these apps is to make the computing experience faster and more enjoyable, not less stable and more cumbersome. If I need to back up my entire registry before running a cleaner app, for fear that the app might wreak havoc on my system, why would I even want that app?

That is why I mostly just use CCleaner now. No, it isn't as aggressive as some reg cleaners, but I have never had to save the reg backups, because I have never run into a problem. When you use a powerful and unstable reg editor, such as RegSupreme Pro, the problems and errors greatly outnumber the benefits. How helpful can a reg editor be if I have to backup my entire registry before using it?

Why are some registry cleaners better then other, is it they look in placed other don't or is it that they get down on there hands and needs and scrub harder?

englishman, This is from the RegScrub help file. May help answer you question!

Purpose of Cleaning the Registry

Today's computers are so fast that to say one of the reasons to clean out the registry is to speed up the computer is ludicrous. So if you think you're speeding up your computer by using a registry cleaning program, then you should re-think your strategy.

Sure, you can clean the registry to avoid potential problems and that is a valid reason, but I honestly think the main reason why we all use a registry cleaner is that we are clean freaks! We hate the thought of junk inside the registry, even if it does no harm!

I believe that the most valuable aspect of RegScrubVista is to remove unwanted program execution and left over junk from uninstalls, and to remove the cause of some annoying error messages or odd behavior.

No Two Registry Cleaning Programs Find the Exact Same Problems

If you run different registry cleaners, you'll immediately notice that some find problems that others don't. And you'll probably never find two that find the exact same list of problems. Why?

The registry is simply a database that does not enforce strict rules of usage. There are some rules and standard conventions that govern how one should properly add data to the registry, but this does not prevent a lazy or naive programmer from using the registry any way they please. Registry cleaning programs work off the rules, but they also have to do some complex interpretations as well. The more interpretations, the more likely a cleaning program is going to make mistake. RegScrubVista does a reasonable job of cleaning the registry without using a lot of risky interpretations.

Most well known programs use the registry properly and follow the rules and standard conventions. You may be running a program that does not follow the rules, and it is possible that RegScrubVista (as well as other cleaning programs) may flag problems that are not problems. This is why all registry cleaning programs warn you to back up the registry so you can restore if necessary. RegScrubVista backs up all data that it cleans. It also provides a simple way to back up the entire registry. For more details, see the section on Restoring the Registry.

Thanks slowday that sort of cleared it up, it seems that if all developers use the registry in the way its meant to be used all registry cleaners would work as well as each other.

if its beta and it touches the registry then its an automatic no download for me and I recommend the same to everyone.


heh, i alwase thought you held DJ's Dial A Fix in high regard...

Im just messing with you tho, we all respect people we have talked to more than those we are just introduced to.


heh, i alwase thought you held DJ's Dial A Fix in high regard...

Im just messing with you tho, we all respect people we have talked to more than those we are just introduced to.



What do you mean? Dial a fix isnt changing anything in the registry. Its reregistering things in the registry that might have become corrupted but it dosent delete/change anything.

You guys know there are ways to back up your registery right?



ERUNT is what I make my known good daily registry backup with. ERUNT coupled with System Restore makes a rather good duo for undoing all sorts of stuff. ERUNT is very good for restoring the registry when System Restore doesn't properly restore a backup.

What do you mean? Dial a fix isnt changing anything in the registry. Its reregistering things in the registry that might have become corrupted but it dosent delete/change anything.


alrighty, my bad on this one. I thought it could add missing registry strings or remove ones that are compromizing the OS. I just didnt fully understand how it worked. :)


ERUNT is what I make my known good daily registry backup with. ERUNT coupled with System Restore makes a rather good duo for undoing all sorts of stuff. ERUNT is very good for restoring the registry when System Restore doesn't properly restore a backup.



I have never used ERUNT and was wondering if you would answer a few questions for me? ( In your usual easy to follow style! ) rridgley has already mentioned a few things to me about it.

1. Is it an easy use prog?

2. Can a virus go in the backup?

3. Should the backup go to the default suggestion?

4. Can I copy the backup (not move it ) to my external hardrive , or is there no point in doing that?

Any more tips about use. I have downloaded the help text to read first before download, 13 pages long and some of it a bit beyond me !!

1. Is it an easy use prog?

Yes. The only thing though on the main GUI I always save other open users registry data by ticking: Other open users registries

Rather that's needed or not I don't know, but as a safety margin I always select it.

2. Can a virus go in the backup?

I suppose it could. Some of the registry files end with the *.dat extension, and the recovery tool is a .exe file named EDRNT.EXE.

I however always compress the backup into either a .zip or .rar using maximum compression and then delete the folder.

The reasons I do this are:

* So nothing can mess with the backup.

* So that I can have a weeks worth of backups at a much reduced size. The backups are rather large but if compressed they become small and don't consume allot of disk space.

If I need to restore a backup I just unzip/unrar a backup into "C:\TEMP" and when the system reboots I run CCleaner to delete the unzipped/unrarred files. I then run EasyCleaner to remove the .bak files the restoration creates.

3. Should the backup go to the default suggestion?

I do because it's always going to want to go into "C:\Windows\ERDNT"

4. Can I copy the backup (not move it ) to my external hardrive , or is there no point in doing that?

You can copy it anywhere you wish and it should still work.

Thank you Andavari, appreciate your time.

This how I think reg backups work.Anything that is deleted the backup will replace.

Any reg values changed will be changed back to the original .

But any keys or values added to the registry will remain and are still there after restoring with the backup.

* [if] a value exists in the .reg file and also exists in the modified registry [Then] the value will be changed in the registry.

* [if] a value exists in the .reg file but not in the modified registry [Then] the value will be added to the registry.

* [if] a value does not exist in the .reg file but does exist in the modified registry [Then] the value will not be removed or changed in the registry.

* [if] a value does not exist in the .reg file and does not exist in the modified registry [Then] there is no action to be taken in the registry.

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