Third IE9 preview

The third Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview has released.

With support for <video>, <audio>, and <canvas>. The <canvas> element, like everything else, is GPU-accelerated.

Also, they have improved the JS engine :


Mozilla must be worried now - exept addons, Firefox is now inferior in all visible things (speed being the main one).

There's a nice potato gun game on the IE testing center : (but don't try to run it in Firefox or Chrome - they're too slow)

Any future IE users out there ? ;)

been playing with the preview myself and I like it (but I'm an ie user any way)

have you seen the fish in a aquarium test video (ie9 v. Chrome)

I'm getting rather bored of these browser bashing comparison charts, so what if browser X is 400 times faster than browser Y I'm not interested.

I'm happy with what I have, Firefox, and the useful plugins that allow me to control the way I want to see my pages rendered.

Richard S.

I'm getting rather bored of these browser bashing comparison charts, so what if browser X is 400 times faster than browser Y I'm not interested.

I'm happy with what I have, Firefox, and the useful plugins that allow me to control the way I want to see my pages rendered.

Richard S.

Here the main point is not real speed, but speed through graphics. IE9's hardware acceleration means it is much, much, much, much, much better at drawing things (SVG, Canvas, images, text, everything) than other browsers. If you try the Fish Tank demo in Firefox...well, it's really slow.

I am actually looking forward to the new IE