They might have found a cure for cancer?


What do you think? So far it's been full on and blasted every type. Sometimes there's news that initially sounds alright or make you do a double-take. But I believe this is the real deal.

It was speculated that "they did years ago" along with a "cure for aids", but "drug companies banned it from public knowledge as they'd loose billions of dollars in profits."

I watched a program on TV the other day where they stated reducing protein consumption (i.e.; meat), and going to a more plant-based diet is a way to avoid cancers, diabetes, obesity, etc.

I watched a program on TV the other day where they stated reducing protein consumption (i.e.; meat), and going to a more plant-based diet is a way to avoid cancers, diabetes, obesity, etc.

that's not a cure - you simply die younger out of sheer boredom long before a cancer gets a hold of you... :D

I doubt if there is anyone of us who doesn't know someone who has passed away from cancer.

It would be great if it is true that a cure MAY have been found. However I distrust drug companies a lot, they don't seem to manufacture drugs because they will cure people, but they just do it to make money.

I believe they have a cure for any diease, if you catch it early enough. But like Andavari said, it's all about the money.

I call Shenanigans on this Article as one (animal) research article and an editorial do not make for a convincing proof. A deeper look will net very little primary-sourced news on this and that which does exist points to human trials beginning soon.

While in Europe it will be easier for patients to get this sooner that U.S. Patients, it would likely be a number of years (7+) before we'll even hear about this.

Pretty interesting, but as Nergal said, we'll be lucky if we even hear whispers of it in the states.

I doubt if there is anyone of us who doesn't know someone who has passed away from cancer.

You're not wrong hazel.

"Stem Cells" seemed to have the potential of being the magic bullet against cancer and lots of other ills, but progress with this seems to be low profile at the moment, and sadly Stem Cell treatments for cancer are still tied in with radiation and chemo therapy.

One day they'll crack it, and I hope the solution won't be drugs, which are so expensive not everyone will be eligible to receive them. Which has happened here already. The "Post Code" lottery.

EDIT: The "Postcode Lottery".

I doubt if there is anyone of us who doesn't know someone who has passed away from cancer.

I know many: 2 of my uncles. A family friend who's father had it and who I considered my second father. In February 2013 a lifetime family friend in her 80s, and just the other day her son who's been my friend since we were infants in diapers was diagnosed with it and he's 43 years old. So yeah, I think everybody knows someone who's had it, or passed away from it.

Pretty interesting, but as Nergal said, we'll be lucky if we even hear whispers of it in the states.

That's why so many people who themselves have enough money will become ex-pats ("ex patriots") and permanently move to Europe or wherever where they can find better treatment, or affordable treatment.

I know only one, though it was cured.

Wasn't stem cell research and application hindered by religion and government conflicts?

Or maybe it's best not to buy into the hype. After all, today is the same as yesterday. And the same treatments are being used.

Wasn't stem cell research and application hindered by religion and government conflicts?

read an article a couple of months ago, they no longer need to harvest stem cells from the cord or embryonic materials, they can get them from skin cells.

(don't ask me how and I think my memory hasn't failed me)

so they can negate all those political pansies and hippy half-wits.

I doubt if there is anyone of us who doesn't know someone who has passed away from cancer.

Yes, for sure hazel. The saddest for me was watching my older brother (8 years older than me) die from spinal cancer at the young age of 45. My Dad died from lung cancer at age 78. On an extreme personal note I had prostate cancer 9 years ago and opted for surgery. One year later they found the cancer was not totally gone and I then had radiation for 3 solid weeks. This seemed to have worked well and no trace of remaining cancer was found until last year. Apparently there are still some cancerous prostate cells left so I had a ton of tests done and apparently the cancer is so minute that they couldn't find its location. For now they are watching my PSA count very closely. My next appointment with a cancer specialist is in June. Depending on how much my PSA has increased (i.e. how much the cancer has spread) they will either continue to watch my PSA level or recommend treatment at that time.

If a cure for cancer comes true in the future it will sure help so many people. The key is to never give up hope.

. . . The key is to never give up hope.

You betcha. That's the key. :)

Nice reading. I hope they will keep on investigating to achieve a total cure.

personally, I think cancer is like the common cold virus, as far as a cure goes, too varied and always mutating.

but I will be extremely happy to be wrong on that.

If a cure for cancer comes true in the future it will sure help so many people. The key is to never give up hope.

I'm sure all our best wishes are with you razz.

In 1982 my father died from cancer, and it took 18 months. It wasn't something you would allow a dog to suffer, but that's another story.

About 7 years ago my wife was hit with this awful thing, but the progress made in early discovery and treatment since the eighties meant that she has come through it and reached the magic "5 year all clear" milestone two years ago. It isn't something I would like to go through, but it isn't the sure killer it used to be.

Like everything else, it's all about research and as long as we keep these research institutions supplied with the charitable resources they need, I'm sure they'll get there. It's just sad that something like this needs charitable resources when so much government money is squandered on meaningless and fruitless projects.

I sometimes wonder if we live on the same planet.

End of (well meant) rant.