there were 2 payment.

I bought CCleaner for Windows few weeks ago.

And I noticed there were 2 payment with my credit card.

Can I upgrade for 3PCs? I don't need to change the difference.

I need your help. Thanks.

PS. CCleaner is awesome program I've use.

That sounds like possibly two separate orders were placed (maybe a connection glitch, maybe the page was reloaded?).

In any event, while a publicly viewable forum isn't the best place for discussions like this, I would recommend contacting our support team via our Contact Us form or by emailing directly so that we can look into the matter further and let you know what can be done to sort this out!

Please email us from the email account you made the order(s) from and/or include the order number(s) when you contact us so that this can be addressed as promptly as possible, and we'll be happy to take care of the matter for you. :) Thank you for the kind words, as well!