world must unite to fight malware, says OECD
by Stuart Corner
Monday, 02 June 2008
The OECD has called for the setting up of a global partnership to combat malware and for Internet service providers and domain name registrars to develop common codes of national and international practice.
"A strategy for a global partnership against malware is needed to avoid it becoming a serious threat to the Internet economy and to national security in the coming years," the OECD says. "Today, communities involved in fighting malware offer essentially a fragmented local response to a global threat...Current response and mitigation are mainly reactive. There is a need for more structured and strategic co-ordination at national and international levels with involvement of all actors to more adequately assess and mitigate the risk of malware." quarter of US PCs infected with malware: OECDJune 2, 2008 - 1:22PM
An OECD study into online crime says that increased activity by cyber criminals has left an estimated one-in-four US computers infected with malware.
The report, entitled Malicious Software (malware): a Security Threat to the Internet Economy, gives an impression of two worlds engaged in an uneven war of virus invasion and belated defence.
Cyber crime, to steal data, spy and attack government and business computer systems "is a potentially serious threat to the internet economy," the study, published on Friday, warns.