The Tour and FAQ Leave something important out

Moderators, Developers, Davey and other POWER USERS/Helpers,

I just went thru the Quick tour it actually doesn't say anything about being very careful with registry cleaner and that many things that it picks up should not be cleaned, if it did there might actually be LESS Traffic of this manner. It would also probably stop me from being such an A$$h0l3 on this board. I think it is ridiculous that soooooo many people just delete everything in the registry but hey I can not control the ineptness of others when they go and get rid, of oh I don't know, unused file extension:CAB and then say

OMG, my Windows can't update and won't fix itself. Help me, Help me

I'm kinda tired of people who don't even take the time to go through the list and to do it in small bits and TO AT LEAST BACKUP. but then I read the FAQ and the Tour and it really doesn't tell them anything but a quick note that they really should backup

You will be prompted to backup and helped throughout the process.

I don't know why they pass over

This is a more advanced feature which analyses your computers registry (where windows system settings are stored) and fixes any problems and inconsistencies that exist.

But maybe it needs to say that MAY exist

Because So many people now use CCleaner at the behest of "Technical Support" (READ TEXTBOOK-JOCKEYS) and just delete everything it finds Perhaps a (GAG icon8.gif) warning screen needs to pop up when they open the registry part (with a check box don't show this again (Saved in the reg or ini) for us who KNOW what the heck1 we are doing.

1Ha as I write this I become LESS angry <_<

EDIT: FIXED THE STUPID LINK UNDER THE WORD THIS (Thanks Davey, I should have proofread a little better :rolleyes: )

Agree on all points. Why dosent the Online Help link from CC UI include the user guide? Clicking 'Online Help' takes you to: where you have Quick Tour, FAQ and Forum.

On that note why not include the Help File with the install? Its only 71 KB uncompressed.

The FAQ needs some updating too. In terms of common problems users experience as well as common myths. I've seen CC get blamed for numerous problems that go beyond the scope of CC's abilities.

Maybe we as users should get together and create some documentation? CC Advanced Cleaning: Best Practices & Troubleshooting

Because So many people now use CCleaner at the behest of "Technical Support" (READ TEXTBOOK-JOCKEYS) and just delete everything it finds Perhaps a (GAG icon8.gif) warning screen needs to pop up when they open the registry part (with a check box don't show this again (Saved in the reg or ini) for us who KNOW what the heck1 we are doing.

1Ha as I write this I become LESS angry <_<

Agree on all points. Why dosent the Online Help link from CC UI include the user guide? Clicking 'Online Help' takes you to: where you have Quick Tour, FAQ and Forum.

On that note why not include the Help File with the install? Its only 71 KB uncompressed.

The FAQ needs some updating too. In terms of common problems users experience as well as common myths. I've seen CC get blamed for numerous problems that go beyond the scope of CC's abilities.

Maybe we as users should get together and create some documentation? CC Advanced Cleaning: Best Practices & Troubleshooting

I agree also and will give what support I can to such an effort.

:) davey

From the Beginner's Guide:



On your left you have check boxes to select what you would like to clean or not to clean. By default, all are selected.

Tip: I recommend having them all checked.



Edit -

About the Help file, this is my idea:

Put somewhere an Help (or '?') menu entry.

Clicking it obviously should open the .chm file (if installed, but it is not by default ;) ).

If the .chm is not detected, then open a dialog saying about 'The Help file is not installed,

would you like download it now?', with a link to the download webpage (or also starting

directly the download, this is a developers choice).

In this way the CCleaner installer will be kept small as currently is,

and only those Users that really need the Help file could easily get it.


Maybe we as users should get together and create some documentation? CC Advanced Cleaning: Best Practices & Troubleshooting

I'm down, Clown

Put somewhere an Help (or '?') menu entry.

Clicking it obviously should open the .chm file (if

installed available (many of us Do not use the installed version of CCleaner ;) ),
but it is not by default ).

If the .chm is not detected, then open a dialog saying about 'The Help file is not installed,

would you like download it now?', with a link to the download webpage (or also starting

directly the download, this is a developers choice).

I agree Because sometimes, especially when CCleaner is being used forensically, there is no online to speak of, so online help is useless.

As Always, and as everyone else said, I am willing to put in my time and effort in any endeavor that'll make the n00bs lives easier (or at least mine by not constantly repeating myself). Also what is with people not frigging searching the forum before posting?!?!? Although at this point, the way RSS is setup it's sadly probable that they'll get an answer better/faster if they create a new post, I'm so sick of hearing three times a week that CCleaner's not deleting Firefox 3's privacy info.