Simple question first - are you trying to save the files to the same drive?
I've only seen this message (can't find file) on files greater than 4 gb, which I can only see one in your list. Apart from that I can't see why you are getting that message for all the files.
A file with a header of zeroes is not a valid file, unless it's a text file of zeroes, so it is not a suitable candidate for recovery.
After the deep scan, I am now doing a 'Recover' and so far it has recovered 5912 files and in Win 10 Explotrer they look fine in View mode. Tried a few videos and they work,, MP4 and mts2.
So I am hoping to get more and will report on the final results.
PS Before getting to Recuva tried, TestDisk, Euseus, Mini Tool and another but they only showed names as unnamed, file00001 and recoverd0001 etc.
I took a log file of TestDisk but so far no on in the last week has been on the forum to tell me what to do next. Maybe it can rewrite the filesystem as it has before for me. I just didn't want to mess trying until I got my files off first.
Have r3ecovered 5618 files to the other 2TB drive but for the last 40 hours it has taken forever to save 3 files.
It seems sort of stuck at about Current Progress 48% since file 5611 to now 5618 saying 1 day to go.
When I go to Win 10 Explorer to check the files on the new disk, it does nor resolve to the explorer tree to see the files. The green line at the top stays there. The actual partition I am saving to Red Data is near 3 TB but doesn't show fully like the other partitions on the screen. No bar etc.
I have attached the screen shot of it and the Recuva where it is on the most recent file for 2 hours.
Not sure about stopping scan as I do want the rest of the files. Does it have a 'resume' function ?
There's no auto stop and restart facility with Recuva.
If you are running a recovery (which I understand you are) and not an analyse, you could theoretically stop the recovery, identify what the last file recovered was, and then check the files from that point onwards and run a recovery. But if you are dealing with thousands of files this is likely to be quite a headache to attempt.
Your recovery appears to be grindingly slow, and Recuva appears to be doing nothing in the Task Manager snapshot.
I have a txt file of the files it found, but the order is not the same as what it is recovering. This is in Notepad so i don't know where it got its sort order from.
So, it may be hard to find exactly where it finished, if i stop it.
For example it recovered the top file, then the next on was the last on this list, missing all inbetween.
Yes unfortunately. i will let it run overnight in case it is just struggling with bad sectors and may go back to the correct speed.
Maybe if I did stop it, if the screen of found files stayed open, I could see the order it is saving from.
The screen is still showing now with the Recovery panel and green line going, but I can't slide the list up to see where it is saving from.
Not sure how easy these things are to implement in the script but maybe the team could look at offering these options to stop and resume or at least see the entire list of found files.
I don't know about support, except that they probably don't get five stars on Feefo.
I can't really suggest a lot. You could try switching your A/V off (disconnect from the internet if you're nervous) and see if that speeds things up. (Before I went to Win 10 I had CC and Recuva excleded from my A/V scans, and it speeded up processing).
Your disks are all HDD's, aren't they?
I think that Recuva is perhaps meeting its match with the very large drives available nowadays. It works, but there are just too many files. Too many for a human to sort out at the end, as well.
Yes I think you right. So many files and some so large these days.
Anyway I guess that's where some programs will survive and others go by the wayside.
Once I get to the end of this Recuva process I will try a couple of the other competitors to see if they can get me my files quicker. It is good to know in case this ever happens again, and I do a lot of video editing.
Yes turned off A/V, CC and everything else and have no web access. Both drives are near new WD Red HDDs. The problem one is 2TB and the new one is 4TB.
I see where in the last day it has not moved the file number from 5794 although the file names are changing so it is still doing it but stopped counting it seems.
It also now says 8 days to end at 55% done.
I will get back to Support and see if they get back to me.