The Stuxnet Worm

Scary stuff indeed.

The Stuxnet worm is the first known malicious software designed to destroy or sabotage factories, power plants, refineries or other industrial installations.

Hackers Unleash Worm That Damages Real World:

It's like an April 1st story.

yup, it has countries running to beef up national firewalls (for those that have them) but like everything else they'll get those up just in time for the next threat to surface

#WorldofTerror :(

Eh, *updates Antivirus.* <_<

Sorta reminds me of that hit job by the Mossad that was YouTubed earlier this year.

+30,000 computers infected in the Iran nuke plant.

Iran are denying that anything which has to do with nuclear systems has been infected by it

It's pretty scary that as much, or more, damage could be done by a few words of code than by a bomb.

The new millennium promised so much, but we're for sure getting more than we bargained for.

More news. Well, news to me. From

E. M. Forster wrote The Machine Stops in 1909, imagine. This links to it but is isn't too quick to read. LINK

Now just imagine governments sending in guys like the Navy seals to take out a hacker that has caused a nuclear catastrophe. They don't need to physically bomb us anymore, they can use our own infrastructure against us.

The guys who write these programs are nothing short of brilliant, albeit a misguided brilliance.

The most interesting thing I've ever read connected with this stuff is an article called "The Enemy Within", which may have been originally posted on here some time back, I'm not sure.

I began reading this article, which is written more or less in the style of a novel, with the half interest I usually give to journalistic endeavours, but before long I was totally locked in to this story.

It really is an amazing article, and enthralled me from start to finish. I keep it bookmarked, as like a good novel, it's worth reading more than once.

It mightn't grab others in that way, but have a read, you might enjoy it.

The Enemy Within: (The Conficker Computer “worm”)

Yes Dennis it was mentioned here

Definitely worth a read for anyone who hasn't read it. Unbelievable and scary.

Thanks hazel. :)

That was only 4 months ago, but it sure feels a lot longer than that.

Yep, I got hooked and read it all again.

This time developed the feeling that it is not over at all.

Super Geek article about stuxnet,289142,sid14_gci1521016,00.html

Here's something I didn't know about the Conficker episode.

One of the initiall main causes of Confickers spread were the millions of unvalidated and therefore unpatched illegal Windows installations, and they were given an amnesty to have their machines patched. I'm pretty sure a lot of them wouldn't have taken up that offer.

If you are a pirate Windows user, you have amnesty for critical downloads so get the Conficker patch as soon as possible. Remember, we may be forgetting about the worm, but Conficker's authors still have the capability to inflict harm. Whether that will happen is anybody's guess, but making sure your computer is secure is always the best policy.

And it's still out there, or maybe in here. Who knows?

It's watching and waiting... :mellow:

I found this interesting, gives quite a lot of info.

Some of the questions are as scary as the answers

That was indeed a good find Hazelnut, and an interesting read that they think it's government/state backed.

Why would some brilliant people use their abilities for the bad and not for the good?? I think that too much intelligence can make someone "blind" as to say misguided.


It will never come out, but I think it was either:

indeed a US-IL joint venture


a very VERY clever other government, who knew it'd LOOK like a US-IL job.

Either way, I think Russia is probably right about the whole "second chernobyl" thing.