Speccy has been working fine for me, then all of a sudden today I started getting a message in the Graphics list saying:
The specified service has been marked for deletion
It was workiong this morning, showing the tempurature but not now.
I was running 1.20 so I uninstalled it and installed 1.17 and get the same thing.
Why am I all of a sudden getting this text?
Here's what it looked like earlier today.
Well, never mind. I rebooted and it's working fine now.
I even upgraded to 1.20.
Still not sure why it showed that message, but at least it's working again. ![:)]()
After I made my second post above, it did it again. A reboot fixed it, but why does it keep doing this?
I looked in Device Manager and it didn't show any errors for my graphics card.
Thanks for the link. I actually looked through the forums for this problem before I joined and posted and couldn't find it mentioned.
As a matter of fact, without your link I still can't find it.
Anyway, I don't believe it applies in my case as I wasn't doing anythig in services, as a poster mentioned in the link to Laxdal's Ramblings.
Plus it wasn't only happening in V-1.20. As I mentioned in one of my posts, it also did it in V-1.17. That was after using Revo Uninstaller to uninstall 1.20, then installing 1.17.
If it's any consolation, upgrading to 1.21.491 Freebie just now did the same thing to me. Reading your post here and rebooting got rid of the red "Service marked for deletion" message and displayed my normal SyncMaster (1680x1050@60Hz) & 256MB GeForce 8600 GT (ECGA) with temperature lines (at least for now). Go figure, I'd about though this old XP gear had been written off or such? No such problems on 2 newer Windows7 laptops, one with integrated graphics and one with dedicated graphics.