The recent "slim version" discussion

Not trying to start a debate, or argument.

However, with regard to the recent (and past) discussions regarding CCleaner ?slim? version, I have these comments:

1) The moderators will have to accept that there are those who will ask, time and time again, about the availability of the slim version.

2) Whether the moderators believe it is time to put an end to the slim version is not for them to decide. The moderators do not have that power. The user?s reason(s) for wanting the slim version are as valid as the moderator?s reasons for ending it.

3) The moderators seem to have been a bit ?thin-skinned? in the recent discussion regarding the slim version, which is where they were incorrect. This typically happens to moderators after too long a period of moderating ? that their point, position, and answer is the only valid response. Their opinion is just that ? another opinion.

4) The moderators do not need to respond to the user(s) who continue to ask ?where is the slim version?. Just ignore the user, or let someone else (a non-moderator) answer the user. If the discussion gets out of bounds, then the moderator should do what they volunteer to do ? moderate.

5) Piriform could help with this problem, by simply adding a MESSAGE to the ?builds page? for CCleaner: ?slim and portableU3 coming soon ? check back in a couple of days?. Since the user would have visited the ?builds page? to get the slim version, they SHOULD see the message. If they still ask the question ?Where?s the slim version??, ignore them.

So, as you can see, my points are directed at the moderators, and the users (who continue to ask for the slim version immediately after the new release of CCleaner). Yes, I understand how it can be irritating to have to answer the same question over and over, for something as seemingly insignificant as a slim version. But, moderators are there to moderate. If they find themselves becoming irritated and frustrated, it is time for them to take a break from the forum. It also begs the question ? who moderates the moderators? Yes, they do a fine job, and are volunteers. But, they also need to take a step back on this issue. To have four moderators pile on the recent discussion was a bit much. However, I also know that having a user who wants to argue and become disruptive needs attention. Let the first moderator to respond handle the user. Four was a bit much.

And, for the record, I read the forum, and know when to wait for the slim version, which I sometimes use and sometimes not. I am thankful that there is a choice, and that Piriform management/development provides such a choice of versions. For me, I can handle ?un-checking? whatever is offered. For friends to whom I recommend CCleaner, I sometimes direct them to the slim version, as I know they will not pay attention to the check box.

And, for the record, I have been a moderator on two different forums, and have answered thousands of questions, as well as moderating those discussions that deviate from the rules.

This post is not meant to create an argument. And, I will not be responding to any posts. My post is merely an opinion, except for my point #5, which I really suggest the management implement.



Thank you for taking the trouble as a new member, to post your opinion of how the forum is moderated, and in particular the slim build issue.

As you have said you will not be answering any posts in this thread I will close it now as there is already a similar one ongoing in the lounge...