Got this message when trying to delete some duplicate files using the Duplicate Finder feature. (I did "tick" the duplicate files I wanted to delete, as it would not allow me to check all of them)
"The operation has been completed. Some of the selected files were not deleted."
As you can guess not all the files were deleted.
Here is the .txt file that I saved that gives a snapshot of the Duplicate Finder Log (if you want to call it that
appvisvsubsystems32.dll C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\client 1.02 MB 11/22/2014 6:24:11 AM
appvisvsubsystems32.dll C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15 1.02 MB 11/22/2014 6:24:11 AM
44.0.2403.155_44.0.2403.130_chrome_updater.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\Download\{4DC8B4CA-1BDA-483E-B5FA-D3C12E15B62D}\44.0.2403.155 2.69 MB 8/12/2015 8:40:38 PM
44.0.2403.155_44.0.2403.130_chrome_updater.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\Install\{1582E80A-1C23-419A-A10A-9FAD5E218C2C} 2.69 MB 8/12/2015 8:40:38 PM
20140117_150838_LLS.jpg C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Cell Phone\samsung\Backup\Card Backup for Samsung\My Pictures\Save Files 2.35 MB 1/17/2014 10:08:38 PM
20140117_150838_LLS.jpg C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Cell Phone\samsung\Backup\Card Backup for Samsung\Save Files 2.35 MB 1/17/2014 10:08:38 PM
The rest of the files contain family names because they are .jpg's saved and I am not going to post that. However, these files are coming from the Seagate Dashboard on the external hard drive that I am using from them for my computer backup.
What gives? Did I do something wrong?