The New Windows Live

any software that claims to take a poor photo and turns it into good in one click should be laughed at

That woman's voice really got on my nerves.

It was more like watching a children's television program.

I'm also a bit skeptical about what it can do, there are plenty other programs that can do similar things (but at least you can install them without problems!)

We'll see anyway when it comes out.

I`m sure the security services who use cctv`s will love it ! "now through face photo recognition you can easily find the people you care about"

Same for me Hazelnut - that woman's voice is really annoying..

Also, I just hate the social things into WLM. The "M" stands for "Messenger", not "yet another so-called social tool". mad.gif

My daughter and I both hate the way Live Messenger has developed, so we stuck on version 8.1, which works well.

I am not cured yet of the bad stuff that the previous Windows Live Essentials has given me. There is always a better alternative without installing so many of those crappy little tools that leave a hell lot of mess in the Windows Registry when removed so what makes this new version any better than that???

If I were Micro$oft, I'd rather want to give reliability updates or any sort of cool update that can enhance the experience without so many of the crap we've already seen. I'd rather want the self-healing properties and tighter security they should provide on their OS.

Well, the Windows Live guys are not the same as the Windows ones - so developping WLE doesn't use the Windows guys's time. Besides, self-healing and security are already in win7.

Actually, WLM 9 is good once you install Messenger Plus! Live and remove the ads (the skin Messenger Live Toolbox has a hidden setting to do that)wink.gif

Well, the Windows Live guys are not the same as the Windows ones - so developping WLE doesn't use the Windows guys's time. Besides, self-healing and security are already in win7.

No, I doubt Windows 7 security is still a bit down sometimes. I have not seen any very tight security properties in Windows 7 that can apparently match Mac's security anyway. What I wanted was the self-healing registry and that sort of stuff.

The previous Windows Live Essentials doesn't even give me a chance to install to a custom location and when I removed in with Revo, there were a thousand orphaned registry keys and many orphaned folders left. Never mention WLE also contains a lot of small apps that are mandatorily installed when you install even one of the WLE applications.

Yes, Choice Guard is quite annoying, especially since it always installs itself - but it can be deleted safelysmile.gif

(Win7 > OS X in terms of security. Period. Even hackers say that tongue.gif)

(Win7 > OS X in terms of security. Period. Even hackers say that tongue.gif)

Well most viruses attack PC's and there are only very few viruses work on Macs, I think. So Macs are technically ahead in that sort of stuff though, even if probably like you, I'm a loyal PC user.

But Microsoft in my view, have not been making their OSs as close to perfection as they should be so that third party companies who make third party software such as antivirus are in with a shot while using Microsoft's OS.

But I really hate the fact that Microsoft made their own software such as WLE, not as healthy for the computer as it should be. And the reason for that would be, the WLE team in different from the guys on the OS development team.

I'm sure MS would love to remove the "Live" from WLE. But they can't, or they'd get another stupid anti-trust thing.

(As for the viruses - that's because of the low market share. OS X has more flaws than XP, Vista and 7 combined - and there are some common vulnerabilities in Windows versions, so the Windows count should be even lower)

If they would want to remove the Live thing, why did they not do it now??? It seems that the apps they give for free always need some sort of Internet connection, so there is this file sharing and that sort of mumbo jumbo that makes it "live". Why not just make those apps small and simple or even portable like what third party apps that don't require too many components to be installed????

Speaking of OS, Goggle is dumping Microsoft's OS from their company use so that their employees would start using Chrome OS, but I doubt it won't even make a quarter of Microsoft's market shares.

(As for the viruses - that's because of the low market share. OS X has more flaws than XP, Vista and 7 combined - and there are some common vulnerabilities in Windows versions, so the Windows count should be even lower)

That is totally incorrect info and something I hear from Windows users a lot. Macs market share is bigger today than it has ever been. Much bigger. Yet there is less malware than there has ever been for Macs. Before Mac OS X there was much more malware for Macs than there is today. Market share went way up with OS X and the number of malware went way down. That kills the theory about Mac not having Malware because of it's small market share.

The fact is even if you get maleware on a Mac it doesn't do nearly the damage it does on Windows. There is no registry in a Mac so you don't get the system wide disaster you do in Windows. It's much harder to trash the Mac than Windows so the hackers don't get the big payoff.

That is totally incorrect info and something I hear from Windows users a lot. Macs market share is bigger today than it has ever been. Much bigger. Yet there is less malware than there has ever been for Macs. Before Mac OS X there was much more malware for Macs than there is today. Market share went way up with OS X and the number of malware went way down. That kills the theory about Mac not having Malware because of it's small market share.

The fact is even if you get maleware on a Mac it doesn't do nearly the damage it does on Windows. There is no registry in a Mac so you don't get the system wide disaster you do in Windows. It's much harder to trash the Mac than Windows so the hackers don't get the big payoff.

All right, all seems you absolutely want to go a read :

Charlie Miller : "Hacking into Macs is so much easier" [ZDNet]

Apple Mac OS X : 1233 flaws, 44% highy critical [secunia]

MS Windows XP : 344 flaws, 40% highly critical [secunia]

MS Windows Vista : 178 flaws, 38% highly critical [secunia]

MS Windows 7 : 28 flaws, 47% highly critical [secunia]

...Back on topic now. (If you want to discuss Windows security more, create a thread for it wink.gif)

A new "Essentials" tab got added to the Windows Live Preview website :

And a new website appeared - this one is to promote WLE Wave 4, too :

Read it many times before. Doesn't change the facts. Mac's market share is higher than it's ever been and there is less malware for it than there was when it was much smaller in market share.Those facts are not disputable.

Those vulnerabilities are not actual viruses or malware. In that area there is none that are known right now for Mac. Windows is in the hundreds of thousands.

I wasn't the one that went off topic. Look closely I responded to your comments on security so maybe you should practice what you preach and stay on topic.

Microsoft demonstrated Office Communicator today :


(more pictures on Neowin : )

Anyone else thinking the GUI is several orders of magnitude ahead of WLM's ?

Microsoft shown Office Communicator today :


Anyone else thinking the GUI is several orders of magnitude ahead of WLM's ?


I was the first to comment on Neowin! :P