I'd very much like to avoid totally unnecessary files on my drives. When, and especially after installing, one comes across an annoyance. After specificly choosing the language which to use, the installation regardlessly copies all the lang-dlls to the lang -subfolder. Why is this? They are not ever needed unless told so already when installing. There is no point with a suggestion "just in case you would need serbocroatioan tomorrow..." if you have ie. chosen portuguese and spanish - no, you should be able to optionally have just the one or the amount of languages you choose when you install without the unnecessary annoying good for nothings.
This goes for the other Piriform software too, I've noticed.
Yes, I know for example Windows has extremely many unnecessary files too installed as default... but this forum is restricted to Piriform...
If you only use the English language in Piriform software you can completely delete the Lang folders which you could also place into CCleaner's "Include" area located in 'Options->Include'.
If you only use the English language in Piriform software you can completely delete the Lang folders which you could also place into CCleaner's "Include" area located in 'Options->Include'.
-> Drooling over the thought of how nice environment variables would be! Hard paths can fail in many instances, whereas relative paths would come to the rescue! Still drooling! LOL!
-> Drooling over the thought of how nice environment variables would be! Hard paths can fail in many instances, whereas relative paths would come to the rescue! Still drooling! LOL!
this is off topic. You already have a topic about this, please be respectful of the threads of other members & don't try to further you wants at the expense of their receiving help.
-> Drooling over the thought of how nice environment variables would be! Hard paths can fail in many instances, whereas relative paths would come to the rescue! Still drooling! LOL!
Learn how to write a winapp2.ini cleaning routine!
Such as this example for Recuva:
[Recuva (Lang)*]
; Removes all of the foreign language files.
Or just put it into CCleaner's Include area like I've already stated.
Learn how to write a winapp2.ini cleaning routine!
Such as this example for Recuva:
[Recuva (Lang)*]
; Removes all of the foreign language files.
Or just put it into CCleaner's Include area like I've already stated.
Ok, the only problem with a hard path in the includes, is of course, it will break the moment you have another drive letter for the %programfiles%.
In your recuva example, could that be directly used in CCleaner winappini2?
That is the closest thing to having an entry that can change with changing drive letter paths, it seems. Would I have to change anything, or just import it? Obviously, would need to change Recuva to CCleaner in the references, but I mean, other than that?
I still have not found the answer to the problem that starts already when installing. I'm by default *not* using the english language and wish *only* to have the right langxxx.dll installed as I do, no other ones. The english tags along by default anyway. So this is a matter of developing the installer... - not a question on how to give the user some extra work
English is built into the program, you can not remove it. There is NO extra work, for normal, only if you only want the language you want to use and nothing else (except english which the APP is written in). You can not remove english even with a custom installer, which by the way would be illegal for a user to do as it would break the license of the software.