I get this when I try to publish...
"The HTTP request must be confirmed by the user"
I get this when I try to publish...
"The HTTP request must be confirmed by the user"
As you haven't got a reply then that's probably because nobody here knows the answer.
(Or thought your post was a report and not a question).
This hasn't been reported by anyone else, but maybe no one else has tried to publish a Speccy profile to the web recently?
Having a quick look online; you would get that error if a requested URI has been moved or if there was a temporary redirect in place for some reason.
Either of those would give an error code (301, 302, or 307) and request confirmation from "The User".
("The User" in that case would refer to Speccy and not to yourself).
Why you are getting this with Speccy I don't know, but it may be that you have the snapshot open in Speccy?
Other that that; if you are trying to publish a profile to the web then it may be an issue with the server at Piriforms end.
If it's still happening to you (and you don't have an open snapshot) then could you post a screenshot?
The usual questions just for a bit more info in case it's relevant.
Which Windows version are you using?
Which AntiVirus?
Which Speccy version, and is it Free or Pro?
Thank you for responding...
I thought by putting the error message out there it would bring some answers. Wrongfully assuming that it might be somewhat a common issue...
Win 10 Enterprise, No antivirus, Free version 1.32.774
I do have Tinywall installed, however, I have given all the permissions for the app to connect. Tinywall lists all the blocked apps, so unless there is a hidden executive part in the process that I am missing I don't know how that would be a problem...
Do you mean the screen shot of the error message?
Yes, it you are still getting the error then a screenshot of the error. (and what can be seen of the Speccy UI that the message isn't covering).
The mewssage was very simple as I stated in my first post: "The HTTP request must be confirmed by the user"
I'm not totally sure about your follow up request though... So please let me know...
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<img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="14001" data-ratio="73.99" width="792" alt="1.png.aff048c0f3d9ef6fb0a4a5a12c2e2ee7.png" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_10/1.png.aff048c0f3d9ef6fb0a4a5a12c2e2ee7.png" /></p>
On 08/10/2020 at 19:40, cemster said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> Free version 1.32.774 </p> </div>
Can you check that again changelog shows latest as 1.32.740
Ok, I just installed speccy to a computer that didn't have it yet and you are right, the changelog is wrong. It is 774.
I however could not recreate your problem. I've flagged this for the developers to look at and hopefully they'll get back to you.
Thank you...
Thought I'd just add this I found for info
That's not a message we've seen reported before by any of our users.
However, this seem most likely to be caused by an overzealous security software of some sort. If you use any sort of VPN software, I would disable it before performing this task. Otherwise, is it possible that this 'TinyWall' program performs HTTPS Inspection/SSL Inspection?
You can find out more here; <a href="https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/ssl-inspection/" ipsnoembed="true" rel="external nofollow">https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/ssl-inspection/</a> but in short this function is basically an authorized 'man-in-the-middle' attack on your secure traffic, scanning it to try to make sure it's not going to malicious servers, contains malicious code, etc. While, if done correctly, it can improve your security, However, it can also cause no end of trouble for software on your computer because, well, that kind of breaks how SSL works.
You might try simply disabling this TinyWall software outright, then seeing if you're able to publish.
Finally, if you're certain you're not using antivirus software, <em>get some immediately</em>.
Note that you can also, from the File menu, use 'Save Snapshot', 'Save as XML', or 'Save as Text File' in order to save the information that Speccy collected locally instead of on our server - this won't require accessing the internet at all, so it won't cause this problem. You should then be able to attach it to that CNET thread that started the whole matter. (That seemed to be the only other place on the internet I was seeing "The HTTP request must be confirmed by the user" used.)
P.S. Unfortunately, while Speccy can tell you a lot about your computer, it won't tell you what kind of power supply you have, because that information isn't communicated to Windows where Speccy can find it.
All the computer knows is "I'm getting power, everything's cool".
I'm just wondering about the fact that this is Win10 Enterprise edition.
Enterprise edition is for medium/large businesses/organisations.
It is supposedly only available through Microsoft's Volume Licensing Programme and not normally available for individuals.
(You can buy an Enterprise license as an individual, but it's costly and Pro would be a better option because the extras with enterprise would be of no use to an individual).
Is this a works computer that your IT department may have set firewalls for, so that's why it can't connect to the Speccy server?
We have 20 stations and no IT department as we are Just a small production company. And most of these works stations have no internet connection. And no, the Pro Windows is not better for us.
Tiny Wall never had a similar issue before with any other program, and it is there so that we never have to face an update any of our software. (Unless we intend to do so)
As a business you should really be using the Speccy Business Edition on those machines rather than the free version.
However the fact that there is "no internet connection" on "most of these workstations" may also be telling here.
Publishing from Speccy sends a file to the Piriform servers, so needs an internet connection.
I'm not sure if that needs to be a direct internet connection on the machine or if an endpoint can publish through a network?
I would have thought that anything that needs to be network related is the reason why a Business Edition exists?
Maybe <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/90095-johnccleaner/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="90095" href="<___base_url___>/profile/90095-johnccleaner/" rel="">@johnccleaner</a> could clarify that point?
"However the fact that there is "no internet connection" on "most of these workstations" may also be telling here.
Publishing from Speccy sends a file to the Piriform servers, so needs an internet connection."
I suppose any idiot can run a business, but I assure you I am not that stupid!
The issue I have is with a machine that DOES have an internet connection as I am communicating with you now...
It was just a suggestion, I can't see your business network from here.
Have you tried the Buisness Edition?
As I am not an employee/staff member I'll leave it with @johnccleaner
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your input. It just that I thought it was obvious that I would try to publish it to internet with an internet connection...
No I haven't try it. And I'd like to resolve this issue with a free version before I think about the paid one...
TBH you shouldn't really use a free/home version in a business enviroment. (The cost of business versions of software is usually tax deductable anyway).
But everyone knows it happens and if it's not blatant then a blind eye will usually be turned.
But it can mean that problems can be different from what a home user sees, and we tend to assume a home user unless the post says otherwise.