the device is not ready

ive been trying everything to get these files to recover to another harddrive or my computer, it never works and only a few pop up and say The device is not ready..


On the drive you are recovering to, try opening a folder on that drive to make sure it is 'awake and ready' before trying to recover your files to it.

i tried that it didnt work


'Device not ready' seems to be a problem in Recuva since about 2010. many users have had this problem for 5 years.

I have followed all the instructions about spinning drives up, changing computers etc and it makes no difference.

what is interesting is that folders will recover, files will not. For example, in my music collection tracks 1,3, 4,8 will recover yet 2,5,6,7,9 won't. The ones that don't show up as device not ready.

It can't be sleepy drives as I've tried this on multiple systems Win 8.1 Windows 7, Vista, XP PRO as per the previous guidance.

There must be a problem with the software.

Is the read write rate too fast or caching ? eg., external USB2 to an external USB3 device, or could it be the HDD does not have enough disk space?

I have over 80,000 files to recover, Recuva sees them and declares them as excellent .... BUT device is not ready stops the process. It does not make sense that a recovery process that takes 3 hours, constantly access the source drive and the destination drive would spin down causing device is not ready.

Can recuva go and test this properly and see if you can replicate this error OR give a better explanation of what the error actually means.


I'm inclined to agree that 'wake the drive up' is neither the cause nor the answer. I seem to remember having this problem a few times several years ago, but a try again cured it. I can't reproduce it now, so can't even try to find an answer.

However if you type "the device is not ready" - with quotes - into Google there are 1.4 million hits relating to all sorts of applications. Enough to chew on there.