i had run the recova and succecfull to recover the pictures
but, unfortunately, I can see the pictures (also the videos) only in the computer .not in the camera( I tryed 2 cameras).
the files is .jpg in both
i had run the recova and succecfull to recover the pictures
but, unfortunately, I can see the pictures (also the videos) only in the computer .not in the camera( I tryed 2 cameras).
the files is .jpg in both
Hi sra, and welcome to the forum.
You may find that the cameras you've tried may both have their own proprietary "naming format", and I'm sure the pictures you've copied back to your camera have been renamed in the recover\restore process.
Have a look at the naming structure of pics taken with your camera/s, and rename one of your recovered pictures to an identically formated name, and then copy it back to the camera and see if it displays.
My Cannon camera will only recognize images with this naming format ...
I've tried images differently named and it doesn't see them, but if I change the names back to the above format it does.
Let us know how you get on.
thank you for your response
but I did checked this also and the problem is still
my camera have the name format .jpg
and the pictures that recovers have the name format .JPG
is both same?
It isn't the .jpg file extension that may be causing the problem, it could be the "naming format".
An example, if I have an image called "IMG_2544.JPG", ny Cannon will see and display it.
If I rename that image to "ANYNAME.JPG", my camera will not recognize it, and therefore will not display it.
An example of four pictures from my camera, all with an identical naming format, but different numbers ...
Do you now understand what I mean by "naming format"?
Have a look at any original images taken by either of those cameras and see how the cameras have named the images. Not the file extension .JPG, but the actual name (or name/numbers) before the extension.
thank you for your solution
yes , now the picture files are working well
but the video files still make a problem.
I did converted the format from .avi to .mov
and change the name and I cannt see them in the camera
maybe I don't make well?
when I'm take a video , then the camera make 2 files
and when I did converted the file , i did convered only one beacuse of that I don't know how to convert to the second
in this pictures :1. the first file is the file that I'm need to convert
2. the second and the third is the files that the camera is doing when I take the video
3. the last file is the first file that I did converted and change her name, but this is not showing in the camera
i'm hope you anderstand my english
a great thank
This one isn't so easy.
My Cannon creates movies in .avi format only, and although I haven't tried any other format I'm pretty sure that's all it will play.
So the movie/s you have will only play in your camera if they are of the same file type, which appears to be .avi.. I haven't yet met a camera with the ability to playback different video file types.
The problem you have is that the camera will not be able to display the video without the other file, the .THM.
A .THM file is created within the camera for each video. It's simply a jpg type thumbnail with a different extension which the camera needs to display the video. It carries an identical name to it's matching video, just with the different file extension.
When you flip through the images and videos displayed on your camera screen, what you are seeing for the videos is the .THM thumbnail. Without it, the video cannot be displayed on the camera screen, therefore you cannot select it to be played.
Is there a way around this? I have never seen any software capable of creating a .THM file for a video which doesn't have one, but if you're not in a great hurry, I'll see if I can create one using the correct dimensions and naming format, and then see if my camera will display it.
There's free software available which enables one to take a still image from a video, and then it's a case of resizing and renaming it, but there may be other metadata embedded in these .THM files which can't be recreated.
I'll give it a try sometime tomorrow (UK time), and see what happens.
For info, the .THM file is a .jpg image with size .. Width 160 - Height 120, and renamed to .THM.
When you recovered the videos did you not recover any other smaller files which could have been the thumbnails?
Just a thought.
Thanks you very much
in fact ,i did recover the file that did took the pictures from another camera and ,now i'm want to see them in the camera Above
therefor i don't had recovered the .THM files.
Good news but not straightforward and a little effort required.
First of all I might have got it wrong about the movie format of your camera. Looking at your images above it might be .mov and not .avi. However, that's not important as you will know from running a new video off what the format will be. You already know I think that the naming format also applies to videos.
I've tried creating an Image from one of my videos, resizing it and then changing the file extension to .HTM, but it doesn't work. I was pleased the camera actually displayed the Image, but it recognized it as unknown and didn't link it to it's similarly named video. So strike that idea.
Using a little tool I have called "ExifTools", I could examine all the metadata in both the video file and it's accompanying .THM file, and the .THM file contains lots of information related to the video file.
However, it is possible to fool the camera.
I created a new video with my camera, and then deleted the new video but kept the newly created .THM file.
I then renamed the video without a .THM file to the same name as the newly created .THM file, and I'll try make that very clear because of the language difference.
1: I have a video named "MVI_2555.AVI" which has no matching .THM file.
2: I created a new video with the camera named "MVI_2556.AVI" with it's matching file "MVI_2556.THM".
3: I removed the card and deleted the new video "MVI_2556.AVI", and renamed my "MVI_2555.AVI" file in line 1: above to "MVI_2556.AVI" to match the newly created "MVI_2556.THM" file.
4: Placed the newly named video file back onto the card with the now matching newly created .THM file, then back into the camera, and it displayed the video and played it.
I was really surprised when the new .THM file I created actually displayed an image from the renamed video and not an image from the video it was created with. That's a bonus.
That's the good news, but it only works up to a point. And that point is the length of the video, but that can be worked around with a little effort.
The metadata inside one of these .THM files contains a "frame count" entry which is the length of the video, and the new .THM file didn't match the frame count of the renamed video, so my renamed video, which was longer than the new one I deleted, only played to the length (time wise) of the deleted video.
English not being your first language, this may take some following, but I hope you are understanding so far.
The workaround is to find the length of each video you want to put back into the camera, and then to make a new video of at least that same length, or better still a second or two shorter.
Then if you delete the new video and substitute the one you want to play with the same name as the deleted one, it should play from beginning to end.
The reason I say make the new video just slightly shorter is because if the new .THM file is slightly longer than the video you substitute to play alongside it, it will try to display that extra time and does so by displaying an "unknown image" message, with a tiny thumbnail.
That isn't a problem but it doesn't look good.
If you can't follow some of this, then please say so and I'll try to explain better for you, and of course, if you don't want to go to these lengths to get the videos displaying on your camera, then no worries as I enjoyed doing it and learned something in the process.
I hope you don't have too many videos.