I am using FireFox (latest stable version, atm v27.0) together with
AdblockPlus: Well I really think we are all tired of Ads on a site, granted there are some really nice once
DownloadHelper :Sometimes i really need the help.
DownThemAll: well just make life a bit easier for me.
Flashblock: Don’t like flash images to play without me knowing.
Ghostery: This is a really, really nice add-on. It helps you see who is tracking you on the current site you are on. You will be socked to see how many trackers there are on some of your faveur sites.
Greasmonkey: I custom some password code for my sites so this helps me “remember” my passwords.
HTTPS-Everywhere: We all like a site to be a bit more secure and this just makes that happen.
Self-Destructing Cookies: Dont like a cookie on my pc, give them all to the cookie monster.
Web Developer: Like to look under the hood of websites and borrow from them.
2) don't want to bloat my FF cause of slowdowns & high RAM usage, I'm currently using only 3:
- Adblock Plus (with multiple filters) for ad/track blocking
- HTTPS-Everywhere for "force" secure sign/sites
- NoScript to block scripts & flash etc (kinda same reasons as ABP)
I don't use Ghostery anymore because it's redundant; ABP filters should block everything that Ghostery blocks and if not, NoScript and my hosts file will.
3) See above + I've used FF for along time now and I like the addons and it's interface etc.
Why: Because I can't think of anything else I need and I always hear people talking about how add-ons screw up Firefox, so I'd rather not add something that's just going to give me more headache. lol
But as a side note I'm considering switching to Chrome...
It is shocking to see the amount of entries that are in the ABP lists you guys provide. Just think of all the computing power and server farms that are out there JUST for ads and porn.
Some people make money proving, for a better word, spam, to other people and other people make money stopping the spam.
It has all the ones in your list in one addon, eg EasyList, EasyPrivacy and Fanboy's Annoyance ListEasy.
There's also Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List which had some false positives. Also last time I checked Ultimate or Fanboy's Enhanced Tracking List wasn't updated in a while but looks better now, might give it a try later.
I've tried about:addons-memory but not needed anymore. Doesn't Disconnect do same as Ghostery (or same as ABP with correct filters)?
IMO Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus is redundant with latest ABP+filters also.
Firebug not installed but very useful when playing with/testing sites etc.
As disabled I only have FEBE (for backups) and SQSLite Manager (which pretty redundant for me these days).
Winapp2.ini how much RAM does your FF use? Any slowness you've noticed? You've so many addons installed.
Disconnect does largely the same things, but ghostery sells your data, disconnect doesnt.
I use extensive filters for ABP but I occasionally run into objects on pages I dont want to see, element hider takes care of them.
I like firebug more than the built in developer tools, but the developer tools are coming along nicely enough that I might ditch firebug at some point.
Usually between 2-3gb, no slowness. Firefox allocates ram based on system resources available to it (eg. a machine with only 4gb of RAM would not see my level of ram usage). I've 11 tabs open as I write this post and it's using 780mb of ram.