i am wondering what the best aim alternitive is right now. Currently i am running Aim version 5.2.3292 with AiMutation version 1.2.4 I like 5.2 because it was the latest version before they added all the extra "junk" and Aimutaion tabs my windows and lets me add more features that i actually use. I have heard of trillian but thought it was also cluttered with options that i wouldnt need. Any other suggestions?
Have it on right now. Its really nice, it comes with some default plugins and then theres more you can get. Also its pretty simple and the slandered "default" interface it has selected during the installer is to ugly for you, (was for me) you may want to try "Blue curve" or "Lighthouse blue" those are the other two themes within the installer.
When the login screen pops up, remember to click "Accounts" and add your account which takes 5seconds :-P.
will Gaim fully work well with msn messenger?
i am wondering what the best aim alternitive is right now. Currently i am running Aim version 5.2.3292 with AiMutation version 1.2.4 I like 5.2 because it was the latest version before they added all the extra "junk" and Aimutaion tabs my windows and lets me add more features that i actually use. I have heard of trillian but thought it was also cluttered with options that i wouldnt need. Any other suggestions?
I use AIM 5.5.3598 with AIM Ad-Hack 5.5.3599.
can AIM work with msn account?
And aim does not work msn.Aim is for aim. MSN is for msn...
Gaim works with everything it seems :-P.
Note: Gaim has bugs with yahoo accounts it seems...but I really don't care who uses yahoo?, (Not a questian thats sopposed to be answered)
then i will be staying with msn messenger 7... oh well...
Wait why? Gaim supports msn, you said AIM the aim client itself does not support msn. You seem to have your vocabulary mixed up even more then me!
The latest version of GAIM works fine with MSN,YAHOO, AIM and ICQ
Trillian is the best
supports every thing and is super with great skins to.
Get it at Trillian.cc
Wait why? Gaim supports msn, you said AIM the aim client itself does not support msn. You seem to have your vocabulary mixed up even more then me!
i am also kindof confuse... but i am looking for alternative... msn messenger is very filled with unneeded stuffs (for me)... i tried Gaim... how to make it run in the background...? because when i "x" the windows, it seems to exit itself...
I just use AIM with AIM Ad-Hack and Msn with the Mess.be patch.
I think if there's a checkmark somewhere to keep it in the tray... or try minimizing it instead of Xing it.. I don't recall. I tried GAIM a long time ago.
I think if there's a checkmark somewhere to keep it in the tray... or try minimizing it instead of Xing it.. I don't recall. I tried GAIM a long time ago.
theres a checkmark in a plugin that has to do with windows I think, unsure though.I have it set that way :-)...
Btw, trillian sucks, way to bloated and making an account seems to have more graphics then blanks to fill in...
And gaim supports GTK themes :-) So go get gnome lol.
gtk is totally gross in Windows. It is ugly and out of place, as far as widget sets are concerned.
Both Trillian and GAIM are gabber-capable clients.
gtk is totally gross in Windows. It is ugly and out of place, as far as widget sets are concerned.
Both Trillian and GAIM are jabber-capable clients.
GTK isn't bad on a gnome environment such as Ubuntu.
Though I must agree with you it is ugly on windows.
(By Gnome environment, he means Linux (running XFree running Gnome.))
I think that Miranda IM is the best.
Very light-weight.
I think that Miranda IM is the best.www.miranda-im.org
Very light-weight.
i tried it.. but dont know how to get around with it...