Testimonial needed

I currently use PerfectDisk from Raxco to defrag my desktop PC. When PD was new it was one of the few defrag tools available and it was fast, efficient and nimble. Over the years Raxco has added bells and whistles to their product that to some may add value to some folks but when it comes to the actual defrag process I wondering if it's now any better than other defrag tools. The other things that's a concern is that some of these bells and whistles are real resource hogs that slow your system down. So..... I found Defraggler on the internet and I thought I would get some feedback from actual user on how well this tool works. Bottom line is that I want a simple tool that defrags the drive really well without the bells and whistles. What do you existing users have to say about this product both good and bad. Is Defraggler any better than the existing defrag tool that comes with Windows 7? If so can you tell me what it is that makes it better.

Why don't you just try it and make the decision for yourself based upon your own observations.

I think PerfectDisk is still a good product and some of the few ones that allow you to defrag the $MFT and other NTFS structures. OTOH, it may be quite true that it has become a little bloated over the years.

For regular, fast defrag, Defraggler is great and it's FREE.

Raxco has been defragging since the ancient days and knows a lot about how disks can be optimized and why one way works best for a specific disk in a specific o/s and file system. Their knowledge is not limited to windows or linux but spread across dozens of brands and platforms and decades of experience with real enterprise systems. I used to defrag my VAX with their product and they have always kept up with technology and platforms. So no matter what I would not sell Raxco short in any way.

I'm sorry I'm going to close this thread, I'm not sure how it got past us but this thread mentions competition products and this us not a correct place on the internet for such comparisons.

This is an official website providing user to user help for (amongst others) Defraggler and any mention of another software (good or bad) that does the same job just doesn't fit.