Testers required

Hi all,

I'm working on the next release and need a few people to test a pre-release version.

Requirements for testers are:

- IT professional with previous testing experience.

- Technical knowledge of IE, Firefox and Opera.

- You'll need access to several different OSs.

- Also I'm looking for very reliable types, so you won't post the test version all over the web! ;)

PM me with your experience and list of OSs if you're interested.



I could be a Windows XP Pro tester...

I've got two machines sitting here so testing isn't a problem. I submitted my application too. :D

I also only have windows xp, but i could test it on that. I do have IE/Firefox though.

I also only have windows xp, but i could test it on that. I do have IE/Firefox though.

I'm sure a majority of people will have a Windows XP system in this day and age.

I've got access to my old Windows ME machine that has GoBack, where if something messes it up I can just "go back" to a time where it worked fine. Also have beta tested many applications, even RC versions. Visual Basic computer programming experience too.

Technical knowledge of IE, Firefox and Opera

What exactly do me mean by this if you don't mind me asking.


I believe he is reffering to knowlegde on how they work.

I believe he is reffering to knowlegde on how they work.

Ahh i see, thanks Chicano666


Mr G,

I can help test the beta versions. I have several windows OS's running. XP pro, XP home, ME, 2000 Pro, and good ol 98SE. I have a degree in computer technology. Shoot me an email if you think I can help!
