Test Your Password's Strength

The Password Meter web utility tests the strength of your passwords as you type it, scoring your password strength based on a number of positive and negative password attributes. The test measures your password's number of characters, type of characters used, and the order of your characters. (Sequential letters or numbers, for example, equals weak passwords). Toss your favorite high-security password into this tool?you may be surprised at how you did.

Password Meter


But Humpty, then it will know my password!!!

But Humpty, then it will know my password!!!

Good point Hazel.

I didn't use any real passwords and the one I tried where I got high marks I couldn't remember anyways. :lol:


Test your Credit Card strength.

Enter your Credit Card number here... __________________

The Password Meter web utility tests the strength of your passwords as you type it, scoring your password strength based on a number of positive and negative password attributes. The test measures your password's number of characters, type of characters used, and the order of your characters. (Sequential letters or numbers, for example, equals weak passwords). Toss your favorite high-security password into this tool?you may be surprised at how you did.

Password Meter


Password Meter site offers a download package.

Would it be safer to download and check my "real" password with Password Meter while offline?

Doesn't seem to connect when used offline and the package comes up clean at Virus Total.

Doesn't seem to connect when used offline and the package comes up clean at Virus Total.

To work offline I right click on the local area connection icon and select (disable), so every thing should be OK ;)

I tried to get a 100% one and did - no this is not mine.



EDIT - Even better a@#4s8e5Dj6* - nothing was red...all green or blue.