In the Danish version of CCleaner Temporary Internet Files (Midlertidige Internetfiler) is misspelled, so it says Midlertidgige Internetfiler. The 4 last letters should be "dige" and not "gige".
I hope I've posted this in the correct section - Otherwise I'm sure you'll guide me to it.
Have a nice weekend. ![:)]()
In the Danish version of CCleaner Temporary Internet Files (Midlertidige Internetfiler) is misspelled, so it says "Midlertidgige Internetfiler". The 4 last letters should be "dige" and not "gige".
Empty Recycle Bin (T?m papirkurv) should be "T?m papirkurv" and not "T?m papirskurv".
In About it says "reporter" but it should say "rapportere".
I hope I've posted this in the correct section - Otherwise I'm sure you'll guide me to it.
Have a nice weekend. ![:)]()
Sorry for the double post. I accidently replied where I should've edited...