Temporary internet files too large

Every day, my temporary internet folder shows 6,000 to 8,000 cookies and places i have been. It seems almost every keystroke is recorded.

Why is this happening and how can I fix it?

I just cleaned my temp file and went to piriform. I have 220 temp files. See attached.


You need to give a bit more info such as your operating system, which browser you use most, security software and any other issues you have noticed.

Are all your security programs up to date and scans clean?

Are you seeing these entries in ccleaner ?

what do you expect to find in the cookies and temp files. Yes it is usual that every website you go to will leave many temp files and usually at least one cookie.

or do you mean you are find cookies and files for non-online computer use (i.e going into your Microsoft word, or playing minesweeper)

Where are the moderators when we need one to move a Temporary Internet Folder topic from Hardware to the Software forum. :rolleyes:

Moderators, we don't need no stinkin' moderators

(jk topic moved)

Replying about the system, my sysyem is MS 7. My security is Norton 360.

just in the last 5 minutes, i have 180 temp files from the piriforum.

normal internet usage sounds like to me

Yes, I get this too. from a clean base, if I refresh the new contents page I get 14 temp int files, and if I refresh this thread I get another 47 temp int files. So what, one might say, but a look at a few threads soon brings the total up into the hundreds or more.

Apart for the number of files, have you noticed any werid behaviour?

Not really. I've just upgraded to W8, so I can't give any definitive figures. Originally I used to run CC every four or five days, knocking off about 50 mb of junk. Gradually that crept upwards and in the last days of XP I was running CC just about every day, clearing about 100 mb. I probably look at rather more than I used to, but the amount of temp int files does seem excessive. Maybe I shouldn't worry about it. Well, I don't, actually.