Hello, I would like to present the following problem to you.
I am user of software CCleaner; I have the very last version: V.14.763. I always used the cleaner of files by keeping notched the advanced option ?to erase only the temporary files of 48 hours older Windows?.
For the first time, lately, I made the experiment strip this option. With my great surprise, by looking at the results of the preliminary analysis, I could note the appearance of many temporary files coming from the installation of the continuation Nero 7 premium. These files came, for example, library ?user/local settings/temp/Nero Web? or ?user/local settings/temp/nero.tmp?. However all these files are necessary to Nero in the event of updates or of upgrade of the software. I thus did not erase them.
What I do not understand it is which these files were largely older than 48 hours and they would have to appear for a long time in an ordinary cleaning, with the option ?+ 48 hours? notched. Is it an error of CCleaner? Can you inform me? Thank you in advance, in a friendly way.
I present to you all my excuses for this bad English resulting from an automatic translator.