Temporary files Nero 7 premium

Hello, I would like to present the following problem to you.

I am user of software CCleaner; I have the very last version: V.14.763. I always used the cleaner of files by keeping notched the advanced option ?to erase only the temporary files of 48 hours older Windows?.

For the first time, lately, I made the experiment strip this option. With my great surprise, by looking at the results of the preliminary analysis, I could note the appearance of many temporary files coming from the installation of the continuation Nero 7 premium. These files came, for example, library ?user/local settings/temp/Nero Web? or ?user/local settings/temp/nero.tmp?. However all these files are necessary to Nero in the event of updates or of upgrade of the software. I thus did not erase them.

What I do not understand it is which these files were largely older than 48 hours and they would have to appear for a long time in an ordinary cleaning, with the option ?+ 48 hours? notched. Is it an error of CCleaner? Can you inform me? Thank you in advance, in a friendly way.

I present to you all my excuses for this bad English resulting from an automatic translator.

In my opinion NERO is junk and only fit to be removed.

Any application that depends upon the continued existence of *.tmp files in ...\temp\ folders should be hunted down and exterminated. If they cannot get that right, what can they do.

To answer your query, have another look at the files.

Select one in Windows Explorer and Right Click, then Properties.

This will show you not ONE but THREE dates which generally mean 3 different things - sometimes.

The ACCESSED date is fixed so long as nothing looks at it - but as soon as you look at it the date is IMMEDIATELY changed to here and now,

but because of disk caches and wot-not you will probably need to RUN CMD and invoke "DIR /T:A", or reboot the P.C. to see the change.

Disc Cleanup will compress "old" files that have not been ACCESSED for 30 days.

I do not know, but I suspect that CCleaner purges TEMP files that have not been ACCESSED for 2 days.

n.b. The MODIFIED and CREATED dates have self evident meanings - but it is not necessarily so.

Sometimes these dates may be affected / over-written by the date when the file was downloaded.

M.$. make up the rules as they go along, and I have seen a Security update replace one version of explorer.exe with another version to remove a hazard. The only difference shown by file properties was that the later one had a smaller size ( I guess the original version retained "debug" code they forgot to remove ),

BUT the 3 different dates were repeated for both versions ! !

Please forgive the rant - I wish Windows was predictable - not a quagmire of uncertainty.

