Temp Folder


CCleaner v2.13.720 and ALL previous version can never Clean properly in the Temp Folder in the <name>\Local Settings\Temp you need to fix the Bug to clean up properly

I using IE Privacy Keeper v2.7.3 to clean in the Temp Folder it very very good to clean in the Temp folder

here is the Screenshot



The items that you show are in use by Windows and can not be cleaned and even if you do attempt to clean them then Windows will recreate them at the next boot up.

CCleaner does clean the Temp Folder at reboot but as indicated before Windows will create them at boot up.

I think that you are promoting the other applications from Browser Tools

well you alittle not right because After i did CCleaner I went to Temp Folder and in the Temp Folder all i did is select all folder and file and click Delete from Keyboard and it really Delete All Folder in Temp Folder and about 3/4 file in the Temp folder have been Delete just by click Delete on Keyboard the CCleaner did Not Delete so CCleaner have not done properly to Delete that can be Delete from Keyboard Delete