Technical expertise

Many of the members try to advise when forum users seek help with problems, and I am sure it is appreciated. However, it does get confusing when answers between experts and would be helpers differ considerably.

It may well help occasional users and newbies to the forum if the experts were given a special Avatar to signify that their suggestions can be trusted. Rather than some of the well meant, but doubtful solutions.

Just a thought

Any member that displays the A.S.A.P. link in their signature is a bona fide malware fighter :D

Qualified members to analyze HJT logs on this forum are Rridgely, Tarun, AndyManchesta, and DjLizard. :D

As for other help, many people are good helpers and I can't list them all. ;)

ASAP does not mean that a user is a certified pc technician. ASAP is an online certification. That truly does not mean much. Reference...

I would put more trust into actual technicians who have their A+ certification.

As far as I know, only DjLizard and myself have this certification.

Thanks for the response, I am more convinced than ever, that some form of easily recognised symbol is desirable for this Board, to help newcomers. Perhaps the forum moderator/administrator will give this some thought.

I can understand some of your confusion Mike over "experts" but I think also we have to keep a bit of perspective here.

In the hijackthis part of the forum only certain people are allowed to post help ( the people krit mentioned) If we get to a situation that people have to have symbols to post reliable answers on other threads, well I mean, can so few people answer all the posts?

I find on this, and other forums, that a good quota of answers are supplied by people who have experienced the same or similar problem themselves. There is also a possibilty that people may not bother posting solutions if they feel they may not be accepted through lack of a symbol.

I'm sure that rridgely will address the topic when he gets a chance to. :)

Many of the members try to advise when forum users seek help with problems, and I am sure it is appreciated. However, it does get confusing when answers between experts and would be helpers differ considerably.

It may well help occasional users and newbies to the forum if the experts were given a special Avatar to signify that their suggestions can be trusted. Rather than some of the well meant, but doubtful solutions.

Just a thought

This is a good suggestion but I don't think this should be done in the whole forum. We do only allow certain members to answer in the hijack this log section(since mistakes here could be critical) but anyone can post in the other sections. Like hazlenut mentioned maybe someone has had a problem with a program before and can help someone else fix it. I can pretty much promise that if bad advice is given another member woule shortly see it and say it was bad. So if your worried about some advice either ask another member as well(in PM or on the forum) or wait for someone else to post as well.

I will write up a rules sticky for the hjt section soon and it will list all of the members here who are allowed to post in the hjt section. As far as an icon or button for these people I think its ok but we would have to make something. Maybe something like this:


(that was a quick 2 min job. If someone can do better and wants to make one that would be great.)

This is definitely something to consider.

Well, I believe I am the only certified hufu expert on this here forum, so just to prevent any future confusion:


Hopefully this will alleviate any worries that other members might have about whether or not they are receiving erroneous hufu information. :D

This is a good suggestion but I don't think this should be done in the whole forum. We do only allow certain members to answer in the hijack this log section(since mistakes here could be critical) but anyone can post in the other sections. Like hazlenut mentioned maybe someone has had a problem with a program before and can help someone else fix it. I can pretty much promise that if bad advice is given another member woule shortly see it and say it was bad. So if your worried about some advice either ask another member as well(in PM or on the forum) or wait for someone else to post as well.

I will write up a rules sticky for the hjt section soon and it will list all of the members here who are allowed to post in the hjt section. As far as an icon or button for these people I think its ok but we would have to make something. Maybe something like this:


(that was a quick 2 min job. If someone can do better and wants to make one that would be great.)

This is definitely something to consider.

Many thanks, all sounds like an excellent solution

In the hijackthis part of the forum only certain people are allowed to post help ( the people krit mentioned) If we get to a situation that people have to have symbols to post reliable answers on other threads, well I mean, can so few people answer all the posts?

Well currently anyone can post replies in there. I would see it as a problem if someone else has experienced something like a particular infection and knows how to deal with it, and not being allowed to participate merely because they aren't deemed an "expert."

i think thats a good idea but are all these icons necessary? arent we honest enough to admit we dont know and give a guess? or at least dont answer if you dont know?

i think thats a good idea but are all these icons necessary? arent we honest enough to admit we dont know and give a guess? or at least dont answer if you dont know?

Great reply! :)