Tattoo and swallowable password

Motorola's latest idea


strategy seems familiar

What a foul-mouthed pig..

wait, what? I checked it like 5 times to make sure there's no swearing.

Yeah I didn't see anything offensive in the article or the clip. :huh:

Just a professional saying the words P I S S and C R A P. Hardly commendable.

"It may be true that 10-20 year-olds don't want to wear a watch on their wrist, but you can be sure they'll be far more interested in wearing an electronics tattoo, if only to piss off their parents," she said.

'I crap authentication' - referring to the bodily function of elimination.

And then there's several references to satan and the devil and the mark of the beast and 666 - in the article.

My system is now cursed after having absorbed that kind of transmission.



The system, developed by Proteus Digital Heath, was FDA-approved and CE-stamped for people to take up to 30 of these pills a day she said, for their rest of your lives, she said

I can just see foreign super-spies trolling the sewers. :lol:


Wait until someone comes up with storing passwords in our brains again instead of writing them down, etc., it will be revolutionary. :lol: Although charging $39.95 for your already attached hardware your brain, would be the pull off of the century.

I can just see foreign super-spies trolling the sewers. :lol:

You'd smell 'em first! The true meaning of a crappy job! :lol:

Hey, they'll need CCleaner. smiley-laughing001.gif