I do not want to see the CCleaner icon in the taskbar. I can not find a selection in settings to not have it show up AND there was a setting before to get rid of it. Please get rid of it or tell me how to remove it. Thank you.
From what you say I assume that you already had all Smart Cleaning options turned off. (If not then turn them off).
What you are seeing will be because the way that Automatic Updates work has changed so that CCleaner Free users can now get automatic updates.
That puts an icon in your system tray, if you don't want to see it then you have to turn automatic updates off.
Go to Options>Updates and untick 'Keep CCleaner updated Automatically'.
The icon should then disappear.
I'm on the Professional version for 4 years now.
That did it. Thank you.
I have found the solution
open ccleaner
go to "options"
go to "smart cleaning"
uncheck all checkboxes ( enable smart cleaning / tell me when there are junk files to clean / enable automatic browser cleaning )
Then, go to "Updates"
uncheck all checkboxes ( keep ccleaner updated automatically / send notifications when there is a new version of ccleaner )
it works for me, the CCleaner icon in the taskbar no longer appears.
That's exactly as said in post #2 above 2 weeks ago. - Turn off Smart Cleaning, turn off Automatic Updates.
Which the original questioner, Nash HH, did.
Thanks for adding the screenshots, I'm sure others may appreciate them.
@nukecad np i hope it will help someone with similar problem