Hi, why when I run c.cleaner, it doesn't clean my task view folder, Thanks David
Do you mean your Activity History / Timeline ?
CCleaner does not currently clear your Activity Timeline, you will need to do that in Windows itself: Settings>Privacy>Permissions & History>Clear History.
While you are there you may want to turn it off so it doesn't save your activity in future? (And doesn't send it all to Microsoft).
This should be a priority, Please allow us to delete files from windows 10 activity timeline. the windows option does not work.
As the timeline is (usually) synced and stored on Microsofts cloud servers then neither CCleaner or any other software can touch it there.
Having an option that could clear the local (unsynced) timeline but not the synced timeline would just confuse users.
(We would get hundreds of complaints that CCleaner was not clearing the Timeline).
When you say that "the windows option does not work" how do you mean?
After clicking the 'Clear Activity history' in Windows settings it just puts a tick next to the button and then you have to restart to actually clear it.